

The damage processes of ordinary concrete and high strength concrete,attacked by solutions of 2.5%,5.0% and 10%Na2SO4(mass fraction)are studied.And the effects of flexural loads with stress ratios of 25% and 50% of the initial flexural strength on the damage process of concrete are also investigated.The results show that the damage process of concrete attacked by sulfate salt exhibits an initial damaged stage,a performance improving stage and a performance worsening stage.When the concentration of Na2SO4 in a solution increases from 2.5% to 5.0%,the service time of the concrete decreases approximately 25%.Furthermore,it decreases to even 40% with an increase in a Na2SO4 concentration up to 10%.And the flexural load accelerates the deterioration rate of the concrete in the latter period.The stress ratio increases from 0 to 25%,the failure time of the concrete decreases 15%and the failure time decreases between 25% and 35% when the stress ratio increases from 25% to 50%.In addition,sulfate corrosion products of concrete are studied by SEM (scanning electron microscopy),EDS (energy disperse spectroscopy) and XRD(X-ray diffraction).

一. the same as 和 the same that的异同

一般认为the same as 和 the same that的区别就在于:as是表示相似,而that则表示同一。


This is the same bag as I lost yesterday.这个书包和我昨天丢失的相似。

This is the same bag that I lost yesterday.这正是我昨天丢失的书包。


1. 当表示“相似”时,多用as,避免使用that(很多语言学家认为用that是错误的)。

1)She has the same fair hair and blue eyes as her mother had.她和母亲一样有着同样的金黄色的头发和蓝色的眼睛。(as做had的宾语

2)This coffee is the same as we had at Mrs Dawson's. 这咖啡和我们在道森夫人家喝的一样。

3)His hair's the same colour as her mother's. 她的头发和母亲的头发是同样的颜色。(mother's后面省略了is,所以as做表语)。



4)He uses the same book as\that you do. 他和你用的书是一样的(as或that做宾语,在这里都表示“相似”)。

2. 表示“同一”时,多用that,但也可以用as。

1)He works in the same shop that\as I do.他和我在同一家商店工作(as\that作宾语)。

2)I went out the same way (that) I'd got in.我顺着进来的原路出去的(that做状语,表方式)。

3)We rode the same way as we had come out the evening before.我们乘车行驶在前一天晚上出来的同一条路上(as做状语,表方式)。

4)A compromise was reached on the same day as the charter was granted.达成和解和授予特许是在同一天(as做时间状语)。

5)Meet me at the same place as you did yesterday.请到昨天见我的那个地方来见我(as做地点状语)。

6)I did not write down my assumptions at the same time that I drew up the questionnaire.我不是在同一个时候记下自己的设想并拟定问卷表的(that做时间状语)。

7)We say "be going to", for the same reason that we say "have to, used to"etc., i.e. to remind students of "to" in the following infinitive.我们说“be going to”和我们说“have to, used to”等的原因是一样的,都是要提醒学生注意后面不定式中的这个“to”(that做原因状语)。

3. 定语从句为省略结构,要用as而不用that。

1)I read the same book as you. 我和你读的书是一样的 (as表示相似)。

2)He gave the same answer as before.他给的答案和以前的相同 (as表示同一)。

3)She lives in the same house as her husband.她和丈夫住在一个屋(as表示同一)。

4. the same后没有被修饰的名词也没有暗含一个one时,只能用as而不用that。

1)I feel the same today as I did yesterday. (today在这里是副词作状语)

2)Is this John Smith in the newspaper the same (one) that I went to school with?报上的这个约翰施密斯先生是不是过去与我一块上学的同一人?

3)A: We're staying at the Excelsior Hotel.

B: Is that the same as\that you stayed in last summer?


B:就是你们去年夏天住过的那家旅馆吗?(the same后暗含one)。

5. that用作宾语时可以省略而as不可以。

1)She is the same girl (that) I sat next to last year.她和去年坐在我旁边的那个女孩是同一个人。

2)I live in the same house as he lives in.我和他住在同一个屋。

二. the same ...who(m)\which\where\when等

“the same+名词”之后的定语从句,除了用as和that之外,还可以用who(指人,做主语)、whom (指人,作宾语)、which(指物)、where(做地点状语)、when(做时间状语)等,做宾语的关系词还可以省略。

1) It was the same person who was afterwards associated.那是后来与其联手的同一人。

2) Are these the same people (whom) we saw here last week?这些人是不是我们上周所见到的那些人?

3) I'd like to read the same book which was read by Tom.我想阅读汤姆读过的那本书。

4) He went back to the same place where he had found the ring.他返回到他找到戒指的那个地方。



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