

金融业以其对国民经济巨大的影响力和对其产业独特的 放大效应 被定义为21世纪最具发展前景的行业。下面是我带来的关于金融学论文参考文献的内容,欢迎阅读参考!


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[3]Jensen, M.,W. Meckling. Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, Agency costs and ownership Structure. Journal of Financial Economics, 1976,3:305-360.

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[5]Grossman, S.,0.Hart.The costs and benefits of ownership: A Theory of vertical and lateral integration. Journal of Political Economy, 1986,94:691 -719.

[6]Nicodano,G,,A. Sembenelli. Private Benefits, Block Transaction Premia and Ownership Structure. University of Turin working paper,2001.

[7]Jonathan Morduch, “The Grameen Bank:A Financial Reckpning”, unpublished papper, 1999, 19(2): 148-209.

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[1]Adrian, Paul Thinking beyond BASEL 3: Necessray Solutions for Captial and Liquidity. OECD Journal ,2010

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[3]Borio Claudio. 2003. Towards a macroprudential framework for financial supervision and regulation? CESifo Economic Studies, 49(2),181-215.

[4]Drehmann, M?,Juselius, M. 2012. “Do debt service costs affect macroeconomic and financial stability?” BIS Quarterly Review, 21-34.

[5]Borio, C.,Drehmann, M.,Gambacorta, L.,Jimenez, G.,Trucharte, C. 2010.“Countercyclical capital buffersexploring options.” BIS Working Paper.

[6]Agenor, P. R., Pereira da Silva, L. A. 2012. “Macroeconomic Stability, Financial Stability, and Monetary Policy Rules.” International Finance, 15:2, 205-24.

[7]Agenor, P.-R., Alper, K., da Silva, L. P. 2013. “Capital Regulation, Monetary Policy and Financial Stability.” Internationa] Journal of Central Banking, 9:3. 198-243.

[8]Basel Committee. Enhancemeiib to the Basel II framework. 2009.

[9]Jonathan Morduch, Smart Subsidy for Sustainable Microfinance.[M], Finance for the poor, 2005, 13(4): 125-149.

[10]Eric Van Tassel, Signal Jamming in New Credit Markets[J], Journal of Money,Credit and Banking, 2002,(34)。


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2. 国际金融论文参考文献

3. 金融学方面参考论文优秀范文

4. 关于金融危机论文参考文献

5. 金融学方面参考论文


每门课有Primary class(2h-3h)

多数还有附加课程(2hours):辅导课、研讨presentation、Computer Lab activity(或论文写作)



下面是澳洲griffith大学Master of Urban and Environmental Planning的课程你参考一下(其他学校相同专业主修课不会差太多,澳洲有规范的)

Master of Urban and Environmental Planning (120CP)

Students must complete a minimum of 2 from the following 3 Planning Studios courses:

Course title CP

Strategic Planning Studio10

Graduate Planning Studio A10

Graduate Planning Studio B10

Students must complete a minimum of 2 from the following 3 Planning Techniques courses.

Urban and Regional Economics (not offered in 2009) 10

Policy Planning 10

Public Involvement and Community Development 10

Students must complete the following Administration and Law course:

Advanced Environmental and Planning Law* 10

Students must complete the following Planning Theory course:

Planning Theory course list Year Sem Course code Course title CP

1 I 7017ENV Planning Theory and Processes 10

Students must complete a minimum of 1 from the following 2 Geographic Information Systems courses:

Geographic Information Systems course list Year Sem Course code Course title CP

1 I 7067ENV Geographic Information Systems 10

1 II 7068ENV Remote Sensing 10

Students must complete a minimum of 2 from the following 3 Urban Development courses:

Urban Development course list Year Sem Course code Course title CP

1 I 7077ENV Urban Analysis 10

1 II 7087ENV Transport Planning 10

1 II 7207ENV Urban Management 10

Students must complete a minimum of 2 from the following 3 Environment courses:

Environment course list Year Sem Course code Course title CP

1 I 7107ENV Environmental Assessment 10

1 I 7250ENV Environmental Systems and Climate Change 10

1 II 7421ENV Environmental Pollution 10

PLUS 10CP of elective courses. Students may select a postgraduate level elective from any School or Department subject to enrolment restrictions and prerequisite requirements.



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