

金融业以其对国民经济巨大的影响力和对其产业独特的 放大效应 被定义为21世纪最具发展前景的行业。下面是我带来的关于金融学论文参考文献的内容,欢迎阅读参考!


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[15] 刘敏.龙江银行人力资源培训体系的构建研究[D].吉林大学.2010.


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[4]Drehmann, M?,Juselius, M. 2012. “Do debt service costs affect macroeconomic and financial stability?” BIS Quarterly Review, 21-34.

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[6]Agenor, P. R., Pereira da Silva, L. A. 2012. “Macroeconomic Stability, Financial Stability, and Monetary Policy Rules.” International Finance, 15:2, 205-24.

[7]Agenor, P.-R., Alper, K., da Silva, L. P. 2013. “Capital Regulation, Monetary Policy and Financial Stability.” Internationa] Journal of Central Banking, 9:3. 198-243.

[8]Basel Committee. Enhancemeiib to the Basel II framework. 2009.

[9]Jonathan Morduch, Smart Subsidy for Sustainable Microfinance.[M], Finance for the poor, 2005, 13(4): 125-149.

[10]Eric Van Tassel, Signal Jamming in New Credit Markets[J], Journal of Money,Credit and Banking, 2002,(34)。


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2. 国际金融论文参考文献

3. 金融学方面参考论文优秀范文

4. 关于金融危机论文参考文献

5. 金融学方面参考论文


每门课有Primary class(2h-3h)

多数还有附加课程(2hours):辅导课、研讨presentation、Computer Lab activity(或论文写作)



下面是澳洲griffith大学Master of Urban and Environmental Planning的课程你参考一下(其他学校相同专业主修课不会差太多,澳洲有规范的)

Master of Urban and Environmental Planning (120CP)

Students must complete a minimum of 2 from the following 3 Planning Studios courses:

Course title CP

Strategic Planning Studio10

Graduate Planning Studio A10

Graduate Planning Studio B10

Students must complete a minimum of 2 from the following 3 Planning Techniques courses.

Urban and Regional Economics (not offered in 2009) 10

Policy Planning 10

Public Involvement and Community Development 10

Students must complete the following Administration and Law course:

Advanced Environmental and Planning Law* 10

Students must complete the following Planning Theory course:

Planning Theory course list Year Sem Course code Course title CP

1 I 7017ENV Planning Theory and Processes 10

Students must complete a minimum of 1 from the following 2 Geographic Information Systems courses:

Geographic Information Systems course list Year Sem Course code Course title CP

1 I 7067ENV Geographic Information Systems 10

1 II 7068ENV Remote Sensing 10

Students must complete a minimum of 2 from the following 3 Urban Development courses:

Urban Development course list Year Sem Course code Course title CP

1 I 7077ENV Urban Analysis 10

1 II 7087ENV Transport Planning 10

1 II 7207ENV Urban Management 10

Students must complete a minimum of 2 from the following 3 Environment courses:

Environment course list Year Sem Course code Course title CP

1 I 7107ENV Environmental Assessment 10

1 I 7250ENV Environmental Systems and Climate Change 10

1 II 7421ENV Environmental Pollution 10

PLUS 10CP of elective courses. Students may select a postgraduate level elective from any School or Department subject to enrolment restrictions and prerequisite requirements.

The basic point is NSM theory in semantic interpretation and analysis process, use as far as possible simple meaning of some element

Has the word to describe the complex semantics. These do not define, meaning simple semantic base yuan constitute a set of miniature language, but with complete natural language has the same skills and explain ability. In order to overcome in the process of definitions circulating sex, fuzziness and not accuracy, the only way is to seek out both in the language to express the most simple meaning righteousness nuclear. After more than 30 years, the researchers NSM theory always committed to looking for the ultimate vocabulary not define -- semantic base yuan.

However, "looking for semantic base yuan should combine with looking for universal, namely and vocabulary used in all languages such as a single concept (lexicalization morphemes words or Wierzbicka) together" (2000:159-92). Semantic base yuan may be either a word (such as English I can), also can be the other language forms, such as fixed phrase (such as English a l ong ti me) or stick with morpheme. For a polysemous word speaking, only the most basic items could be extracted as semantic base yuan. Meanwhile, semantic concept of element of not lonely, they can exist in accordance with all language of universal grammar undertakes assorted, on this basis, can induce the combination of semantic base yuan laws or structural expression. In a certain sense, it is a kind of universal grammar system based on semantics.

Each language from some of the basic element extracted meticulously, constitutes the language of semantic expression system Co., LTD. To make semantic description are to be carried out, the semantic expression system in all languages should be the same, namely the semantic core human language with consistency. Wierzbicka and his colleagues attaches great importance to the semantic expression system in the language of "counterparts sex". For example, through fieldwork, they found that previously the extraction of semantic base yuan if... In some language would not find corresponding base yuan, then put it cancelled (Peeters and Goddard 2004:1-34). In NS M theory framework, through natural language must be conducted semantic analysis of definition. Logical symbols, technical terms for accurately the semantic analysis of useless because of their significance and only through the simple language to explain.

Since the 1970s the yankees Wierzbicka has been devoted to the research, semantic $independent of trying to find a specific language outside of the common language, and through this $language to describe all $of all kinds of linguistic and cultural concept. Wierzbicka (1996see SuJianFang 1999:17 to 21) think: through in-depth analysis any natural language, can find semantic base yuan, this is actually a fundamental yuan each is a set of generality of human basic concepts in the embodiment of a particular language.



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