

该内存不能read 或written数值 叙述

0 0x0000 作业完成。

1 0x0001 不正确的函数。

2 0x0002 系统找不到指定的档案

3 0x0003 系统找不到指定的路径。

4 0x0004 系统无法开启档案。

5 0x0005 拒绝存取。

6 0x0006 无效的代码。

7 0x0007 储存体控制区块已毁。

8 0x0008 储存体空间不足,无法处理这个指令。

9 0x0009 储存体控制区块位址无效。

10 0x000a 环境不正确。

11 0x000b 尝试载入一个格式错误的程式。

12 0x000c 存取码错误。

13 0x000d 资料错误。

14 0x000e 储存体空间不够,无法完成这项作业。

15 0x000f 系统找不到指定的磁碟机。

16 0x0010 无法移除目录。

17 0x0011 系统无法将档案移到 其他的磁碟机。

18 0x0012 没有任何档案。

19 0x0013 储存媒体为防写状态。

20 0x0014 系统找不到指定的装置。

21 0x0015 装置尚未就绪。

22 0x0016 装置无法识别指令。

23 0x0017 资料错误 (cyclic redundancy check)

24 0x0018 程式发出一个长 度错误的指令。

25 0x0019 磁碟机在磁碟找不到 持定的磁区或磁轨。

26 0x001a 指定的磁碟或磁片无法存取。

27 0x001b 磁碟机找不到要求的磁区。

28 0x001c 印表机没有纸。

29 0x001d 系统无法将资料写入指定的磁碟机。

30 0x001e 系统无法读取指定的装置。

31 0x001f 连接到系统的某个装置没有作用。

32 0x0020 the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

33 0x0021 档案的一部份被锁定, 现在无法存取。

34 0x0022 磁碟机的磁片不正确。 请将 %2 (volume serial number: %3) 插入磁碟机 %1。

36 0x0024 开启的分享档案数量太多。

38 0x0026 到达档案结尾。

39 0x0027 磁碟已满。

50 0x0032 不支援这种网路要求。

51 0x0033 远端电脑无法使用。

52 0x0034 网路名称重复。

53 0x0035 网路路径找不到。

54 0x0036 网路忙碌中。

55 0x0037 the specified network resource or device is no longer available.

56 0x0038 the network bios command limit has been reached.

57 0x0039 网路配接卡发生问题。

58 0x003a 指定的伺服器无法执行要求的作业。

59 0x003b 网路发生意外错误。

60 0x003c 远端配接卡不相容。

61 0x003d 印表机伫列已满。

62 0x003e 伺服器的空间无法储存等候列印的档案。

63 0x003f 等候列印的档案已经删除。

64 0x0040 指定的网路名称无法使用。

65 0x0041 拒绝存取网路。

66 0x0042 网路资源类型错误。

67 0x0043 网路名称找不到。

68 0x0044 超过区域电脑网路配接卡的名称限制。

69 0x0045 超过网路 bios 作业阶段的限制。

70 0x0046 远端伺服器已经暂停或者正在起始中。

71 0x0047 由于连线数目已达上限,此时无法再连线到这台远端电脑。

72 0x0048 指定的印表机或磁碟装置已经暂停作用。

80 0x0050 档案已经存在。

82 0x0052 无法建立目录或档案。

83 0x0053 int 24 失败

84 0x0054 处理这项要求的储存体无法使用。

85 0x0055 近端装置名称已经在使用中。

86 0x0056 指定的网路密码错误。

87 0x0057 参数错误。

88 0x0058 网路发生资料写入错误。

89 0x0059 此时系统无法执行其他行程。

100 0x0064 无法建立其他的系统 semaphore。

101 0x0065 属于其他行程专用的 semaphore 。

102 0x0066 semaphore 已经设定,而且无法关闭。

103 0x0067 无法指定 semaphore 。

104 0x0068 在岔断时间无法要求专用的 semaphore 。

105 0x0069 此 semaphore 先前的拥有权已经结束。

106 0x006a 请将磁片插入 %1。

107 0x006b 因为代用的磁片尚未插入,所以程式已经停止。

108 0x006c 磁碟正在使用中或被锁定。

109 0x006d pipe 已经中止。

110 0x006e 系统无法开启指定的 装置或档案。

111 0x006f 档名太长。

112 0x0070 磁碟空间不足。

113 0x0071 没有可用的内部档案识别字。

114 0x0072 目标内部档案识别字不正确。

117 0x0075 由应用程式所执行的 ioctl 呼叫 不正确。

118 0x0076 写入验证参数值不正确。

119 0x0077 系统不支援所要求的指令。

120 0x0078 此项功能仅在 win32 模式有效。

121 0x0079 semaphore 超过逾时期间。

122 0x007a 传到系统呼叫的资料区域 太小。

123 0x007b 档名、目录名称或储存体标签语法错误。

124 0x007c 系统呼叫层次不正确。

125 0x007d 磁碟没有设定标签。

126 0x007e 找不到指定的模组。

127 0x007f 找不到指定的程序。

128 0x0080 没有子行程可供等待。

129 0x0081 %1 这个应用程式无法在 win32 模式下执行。

130 0x0082 attempt to use a file handle to an open disk partition for an

operation other than raw disk i/o.

131 0x0083 尝试将档案指标移至档案开头之前。

132 0x0084 无法在指定的装置或档案,设定档案指标。

133 0x0085 join 或 subst 指令 无法用于 内含事先结合过的磁碟机。

134 0x0086 尝试在已经结合的磁碟机,使用 join 或 subst 指令。

135 0x0087 尝试在已经替换的磁碟机,使 用 join 或 subst 指令。

136 0x0088 系统尝试删除 未连结过的磁碟机的连结关系。

137 0x0089 系统尝试删除 未替换过的磁碟机的替换关系。

138 0x008a 系统尝试将磁碟机结合到已经结合过之磁碟机的目录。

139 0x008b 系统尝试将磁碟机替换成已经替换过之磁碟机的目录。

140 0x008c 系统尝试将磁碟机替换成已经替换过之磁碟机的目录。

141 0x008d 系统尝试将磁碟机 subst 成已结合的磁碟机 目录。

142 0x008e 系统此刻无法执行 join 或 subst。

143 0x008f 系统无法将磁碟机结合或替换同一磁碟机下目录。

144 0x0090 这个目录不是根目录的子目录。

145 0x0091 目录仍有资料。

146 0x0092 指定的路径已经被替换过。

147 0x0093 资源不足,无法处理这项 指令。

148 0x0094 指定的路径这时候无法使用。

149 0x0095 尝试要结合或替换的磁碟机目录,是已经替换过的的目标。

150 0x0096 config.sys 档未指定系统追踪资讯,或是追踪功能被取消。

151 0x0097 指定的 semaphore事件 dosmuxsemwait 数目不正确。

152 0x0098 dosmuxsemwait 没有执行;设定太多的 semaphore。

153 0x0099 dosmuxsemwait 清单不正确。

154 0x009a 您所输入的储存媒体标 元长度限制。

155 0x009b 无法建立其他的执行绪。

156 0x009c 接收行程拒绝接受信号。

157 0x009d 区段已经被舍弃,无法被锁定。

158 0x009e 区段已经解除锁定。

159 0x009f 执行绪识别码的位址不正确。

160 0x00a0 传到 dosexecpgm 的引数字串不正确。

161 0x00a1 指定的路径不正确。

162 0x00a2 信号等候处理。

164 0x00a4 系统无法建立执行绪。

167 0x00a7 无法锁定档案的部份范围。

170 0x00aa 所要求的资源正在使用中。

173 0x00ad 取消范围的锁定要求不明显。

174 0x00ae 档案系统不支援自动变更锁定类型。

180 0x00b4 系统发现不正确的区段号码。

182 0x00b6 作业系统无法执行 %1。

183 0x00b7 档案已存在,无法建立同一档案。

186 0x00ba 传送的旗号错误。

187 0x00bb 指定的系统旗号找不到。

188 0x00bc 作业系统无法执行 %1。

189 0x00bd 作业系统无法执行 %1。

190 0x00be 作业系统无法执行 %1。

191 0x00bf 无法在 win32 模式下执行 %1。

192 0x00c0 作业系统无法执行 %1。

193 0x00c1 %1 不是正确的 win32 应用程式。

194 0x00c2 作业系统无法执行 %1。

195 0x00c3 作业系统无法执行 %1。

196 0x00c4 作业系统无法执行 这个应用程式。

197 0x00c5 作业系统目前无法执行 这个应用程式。

198 0x00c6 作业系统无法执行 %1。

199 0x00c7 作业系统无法执行 这个应用程式。

200 0x00c8 程式码的区段不可以大于或等于 64kb。

201 0x00c9 作业系统无法执行 %1。

202 0x00ca 作业系统无法执行 %1。

203 0x00cb 系统找不到输入的环境选项。 \r

205 0x00cd 在指令子目录下,没有任何行程有信号副处理程式。

206 0x00ce 档案名称或副档名太长。

207 0x00cf ring 2 堆叠使用中。

使用Windows操作系统的人有时会遇到这样的错误信息:“0X????????指令引用的 0x00000000内存,该内存不能written”,然后应用程序被关闭。如果去请教一些“高手”,得到的回答往往是“Windows就是这样不稳定”之类的义愤和不屑。其实,这个错误并不一定是Windows不稳定造成的。本文就来简单分析这种错误的常见原因。


1. 内存条坏了或与主板不兼容 更换内存条

2. 双内存不兼容 使用同品牌的内存或只要一条内存

3. 内存质量问题 更换内存条

4. 散热问题 加强机箱内部的散热

5. 内存和主板没插好或其他硬件不兼容 重插内存或换个插槽

6. 硬盘有问题 更换硬盘

7. 驱动问题 重装驱动,如果是新系统,应先安装主板驱动

8. 软件损坏 重装软件

9. 软件有BUG 打补丁或更新到最新版本

10 软件和系统不兼容 给软件打上补丁或是试试系统的兼容模式

11 软件和软件之间有冲突 如果最近安装了什么新软件,卸载了试试

12 软件要使用其他相关的软件有问题 重装相关软件,比如播放某一格式的文件时出错,可能是这个文件的解码器有问题

13 病毒问题 杀毒

14 杀毒软件与系统或软件相冲突 由于杀毒软件是进入底层监控系统的,可能与一些软件相冲突,卸载试试

15 系统本身有问题 有时候操作系统本身也会有BUG,要注意安装官方发行的更新程序,象SP的补丁,最好打上




开始-运行- 输入cmd-- 回车,在命令提示符下输入下面命令

for %1 in (%windir%\system32\*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1


(2)运行regedit进入注册表, 在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellExecuteHooks 下,应该只有一个正常的键值{AEB6717E-7E19-11d0-97EE-00C04FD91972}, 将其他的删除。










开始-运行- 输入cmd-- 回车,在命令提示符下输入下面命令

for %1 in (%windir%\system32\*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1


(2)运行regedit进入注册表, 在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellExecuteHooks 下,应该只有一个正常的键值{AEB6717E-7E19-11d0-97EE-00C04FD91972}, 将其他的删除


流星~Shooting Star~ / HOME MADE 家族

第一话 至 第十八话


When I look up at the sky

The stars, see, are sparkling

Each giving off its own light

Like the people on this planet

Yeah, so I, too

Want to shine particularly bright

I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart

And entrust my dreams to that shooting star

I’m in my usual park

I can see the night scenery

On the slide

That’s been my special seat for years

Whenever I’m worried about something, I come here

Just like then, I’m on my way to my dreams

But unable to fulfil them

“Maybe this is the end of the line”

There are days when I say weak things like that

But every time, I remember

That starry sky where I looked for a shooting star

The wish I made when I was little

Hasn’t changed even now

When I look up at the sky

The stars, see, are sparkling

Each giving off its own light

Like the people on this planet

Yeah, so I, too

Want to shine particularly bright

I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart

And entrust my dreams to that shooting star

Hiding out in the schoolyard at night with my mates

We climbed the wire netting

The field seemed to have a different face than during the day

We headed for our sea called the pool

We didn’t have swimming trunks, so we were all stark naked

Someone jumped in with a strange yell

The splash echoed through the night

“After him!” Everyone else piled in

We floated gently, looking up at the sky

Looked at the stars in front of us, and talked about heaps of dreams

And looked for that shooting star

When I look up at the sky

The stars, see, are sparkling

Each giving off its own light

Like the people on this planet

Yeah, so I, too

Want to shine particularly bright

I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart

And entrust my dreams to that shooting star

When I look up at the sky

The stars, see, are sparkling

Each giving off its own light

Like the people on this planet

Yeah, so I, too

Want to shine particularly bright

I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart

And entrust my dreams to that shooting star

Looking up at the sky, there are countless stars

The same number now that there was years ago

My dreams are endless and crazy

Incredibly bright, like that star

Looking up at the sky, there are countless stars

The same number now that there was years ago

My dreams are endless and crazy

Incredibly bright, like that star

Hey! If you keep hanging your head like that

You won’t even be able to see the things you can see

Look up at the sky, keep your head up!!

Hey! “What do you think of the sky you see?”

Someday, like that shining star…

I wanna shine

When I look up at the sky

The stars, see, are sparkling

Each giving off its own light

Like the people on this planet

Yeah, so I, too

Want to shine particularly bright

I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart

And entrust my dreams to that shooting star

When I look up at the sky

The stars, see, are sparkling

Each giving off its own light

Like the people on this planet

Yeah, so I, too

Want to shine particularly bright

I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart

And entrust my dreams to that shooting star


*sora wo mi agereba

hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru

kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni

samazama na hikari wo hanatte

sono naka de boku mo hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda

me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau

nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite*

koko wa itsumo no kouen

yakei ga mieru suberidai no ue

mukashi kara boku no tokutouseki

nayami ga areba koko ni kurun desu

ano koro no mama yume no tochuu de

imada kanaerarezu ni irun desu

moshikashite koko ga mou shuuten

nante yowane wo haite

shimaisou na hi mo aru

demo sono tanbi ni omoi dasu

nagareboshi wo sagashite ano hoshizora

chiisana koro no negaigoto wa ima

mukashi mo kawaranai mama

*sora wo mi agereba

hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru

kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni

samazama na hikari wo hanatte

sono naka de boku mo hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda

me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau

nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite*

yoru no kousha nakama to shinobi komi

koe wo hisome kanaami yojinobori

hiruma to chigau kao no GURAUNDO wo sei ni

mezashi ta basho wa "PUURU" to iu na no umi

mizugi nante mon wa nai kara minna suppadaka

dareka ga kisei wo hasshite tobikonda

yoru no tobari ni hibiku mizushibuki

ato ni tsuzuke to bakari ni mina issei ni haite

sora miage pukapuka ukanda

meno mae ni aru hoshi wo nagame ooku no yume katari atte

sagashita ne ano nagareboshi

*sora wo mi agereba

hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru

kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni

samazama na hikari wo hanatte

sono naka de boku mo hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda

me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau

nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite*

*sora wo mi agereba

hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru

kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni

samazama na hikari wo hanatte

sono naka de boku mo hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda

me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau

nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite*

miageta sora ni musou no hoshi

ima mo mukashi mo kawaranaishi

yume wa hateshinaku kuruoshikute

ano hoshi no you ni sugoku mabushii

miageta sora ni musou no hoshi

ima mo mukashi mo kawaranaishi

yume wa hateshinaku kuruoshikute

ano hoshi no you ni sugoku mabushii

HEY! sonna ni utsumuite bakari icha

mieru MONO mo mienaku naru kara

sora miagete KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!!

HEY! "miageta sora ni ima, nani wo omou?"

itsuka kirameku ano hoshi no youni ...


*sora wo mi agereba

hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru

kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni

samazama na hikari wo hanatte

sono naka de boku mo hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda

me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau

nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite*

*sora wo mi agereba

hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru

kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni

samazama na hikari wo hanatte

sono naka de boku mo hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda

me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau

nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite*

道 ~ to you all/ aluto

第十九话 至 第三十话


Just like always,

When I turn that corner,

I merge into a wave of people

And just disappear

I lose my way completely,

And can find no words to say

But only one thing

Still remains, still remains

Your voice

Your laughing face, your angry face,

Everything about you keeps me walking

Just look up,

To where the clouds start to break

Hey, I think you know what I mean... (Hey, I think you know what I mean...)

I've lived vaguely too,

But my heart is immature

Over there, look, in that place

Is the person who matters most

If you should become confused,

I will become your guide

If only you'll believe

Making certain of its means,

Without fearing

The light gathers, shooting across the sky

It understands you

And the road on which you walk

Will just keep getting brighter

Anywhere... (Anywhere...x3)

To where hair-voice-mouth-fingertip meet

But it's still just as good... (But it's still just as good...)


Daitai itsumo doori ni

Sono kado wo magareba

Hitonami ni magire komi

Tokete kieite iku

Boku wa michi wo nakushi

Kotoba sura nakushite shimau

Dakedo hitotsu dake wa

Nokotteta, nokotteta

Kimi no koe ga

Warau kao mo, okoru kao mo subete

Boku wo arukaseru

Kumo ga kireta saki wo

Mitara kitto

Nee, wakaru deshou? (Nee, wakaru deshou?)

Aimai ni ikiteite mo

Kokoro ga mijuku demo

Sore de ii hora soko ni wa

Daiji na hito ga iru

Kimi ga mayou no nara

Boku ga michishirube ni narou

Ato wa shinjireba ii

Tashikameru sube wa motta

Osore nai de

Hikari atsume sora ni hanatte iru

Kimi ni wakaru you ni

Soshite ayumu michi wo

Motto tera sou

Doko made mo... (Doko made mo... x3)

Kami・koe・kuchi・yubisaki he todoke

Ima dake demo ii (Ima dake demo ii)

キミモノガタリ/ little by little

第三十一话 至 第四十一话


Reach, reach to faraway

Soon we'll revive these tears and send them away

Beyond this door

An unseen tomorrow arrives

A long, long story about you has begun

Being lost and noticing

Calling out and struggling daily

Illuminating this path a little further ahead again

Tears, tears

That you shed in joyful times

What are they doing floating in a tidy pool?

In the twinkling southern sky

The number of stars is the limit of encounters

Learn of love, get a map

And connecting

Reach, reach to faraway

Soon we'll revive these tears and send them away

From beyond this door

An unseen tomorrow arrives

A long, long story about you has begun

As that girl waved back she turned around

Looked back one more time

Before disappearing into the wave of humanity

The lenses of your heart are fogged

You sigh for yourself

You twinkle even for a regrettable scene

That you lost

Reach, reach to faraway

Soon we'll revive these tears and send them away

Even in the dried-up wind

We can become an everlasting fountain

A long, long story about you has begun

Right, you can't do anything alone

But don't give up on yourself

C'mon, your engine has silently been lighted by the lamp

Wait for what will happen tonight

Though no good can come from it, seize it

You can't go wrong

Reach, reach to faraway

Soon we'll revive these tears and send them away

Someday, in a page you'll turn to,

You'll surely be flooded with people

A long, long story about you has begun

From here on out it starts

The one and only story about you


Todoke todoke tooku e

ima wo kishikaisei namida azukete

kono tobira no mukou ni

mada minu asu ga otozureru kara


nagai nagai kimi monogatari

Nakushite kizuite

sakende mogaiteta hibi ga

kono michi no sukoshi saki wo

mata terashiteru

Namidatte namidatte

ureshii toki ni nagashitai

kirei na mizu tamari

ukabetai no wa nani?

Minami no sora ni matataite iru

hoshi no kazu hodo no deai kara

ai wo manandari chizu wo morattari


Todoke todoke tooku e

ima wo kishikaisei namida azukete

kono tobira no mukou ni

mada minu asu ga otozureru kara


nagai nagai kimi monogatari

Sayonara to te wo futta ano ko wa

ichido mo ushiro wo furikaerazu ni

hitonami no marete kieta

Kokoro no RENZU wo kumoraseru no wa

jibun ga tsuiteta tameiki sa

mabataki sae mo oshii bamen wo


Todoke todoke tooku e

ima wo kishikaisei namida azukete

kawaku kaze no naka de mo

BOKURA wa karenai izumi ni natte


nagai nagai kimi monogatari

Sou hitori ja nani mo dekinai yo

demo jibun ni gakkari shinai de

hora kimi no ENJIN wa shizuka ni hiri ga tomoridasu

konya matsu no mo mataseru koto mo

tokui janai kara ubai ni yuku

sonna KIMI wa machigai janai sa

Todoke todoke tooku e

ima wo kishikaisei namida azukete

itsuka mekuru PEEJI ni

kitto takusan no hito ga afureru


nagai nagai kimi monogatari

Koko kara hajimare

hitotsu dake no kimi monogatari

目觉めろ!野性 / MATCHY with QUESTION?

第四十二话 至 第五十三话


The sky is far away, the clouds are floating by

Far, far, far away despite my yearnings

Where am I aiming as I step out?

I’ll shake free from the confusion now

Even with an inescapable destiny, I search for tomorrow

What makes me strong is my bond with my friends

Wake up! Emotions brimming with wildness

With a reckless smile hidden in our chests

Our screaming voices, wow wow, will probably only echo the truth

Let your heart burn and let's hold hands

An eternal hope that's in our dreams

If we search, wow wow, we'll probably find the light we've been looking for

When time ends, I’ll say that excuse

Over and over and over again

I gaze at my ideals through that brightly bitter taste

I won’t cover up my feelings

Listen carefully, you scared phantoms

I’ll send these words of hope out to you

Wake up! Wildness, despite being oppressed must push forward

We’ll carve out a path with footsteps that lack confusion

Call up a miracle, wow wow, as if we’re lighting a dark world

The clearness of the twinkling shooting star we’re chasing

It all begins from the fight

The premonition of passion, wow wow, there’s a future we imagine that we’ll reach

Wake up! Emotions brimming with wildness

With a reckless smile hidden in our chests

Our screaming voices, wow wow, will probably only echo the truth

Let your heart burn and let's hold hands

An eternal hope that's in our dreams

If we search, wow wow, we'll probably find the light we've been looking for

Wake up! Wildness


Sora wa haruka kumo wa nagarete

Tooku tooku tooku ni kogaretemo

Doko wo mezashite boku wa fumidasu noka

Mayoi wo ima furikitte

Nigeba no nai unmei demo asu wo sagashite

Boku wo tsuyoku suru nowa nakama no kizuna

Mezamero! Yasei afuredashita kanjou

Mune ni himeta gamushara na egao de

Sakebi goe wa Wow wow shinjitsu dake ni hibiku darou

Kokoro moyase soshite te wo tsunagou

Yume ni kometa eien no negai wo

Motomeru nara Wow wow sagashiteru hikari wa kitto soko ni aru sa

Toki ga kureba sonna iiwake wo

Nando nando nando kurikaesu no

Mabushii sono name de risou wo nagame

Kakushita kimochi gomakasu na

Kowagatteru maboroshi mimi wo sumashite

Kimi ni todokeru yo Kono kibou no kotoba

Mezamero! Yasei shiita nara susume

Michi ni kizamu mayo ni naki no ashiato

Kiseki wo yobe Wow wow yami no sekai wo tomosu you ni

Matataku ryuusei oikaketeku kido

Soyoibo kara subete ga hajimate

Jounetsu no yokan Wow wow souzou no mirai ga atte tadoritsuku sa

Mezamero! Yasei afuredashita kanjou

Mune ni himeta gamushara na egao de

Sakebigoe wa Wow wow shinjitsu dake ni hibiku darou

Kokoro moyase soshite te wo tsunagou

Yume ni kometa eien no negai wo

Motomeru nara Wow wow sagashiteru hikari wa kitto soko ni aru sa

Mezamero! Yasei

素直な虹 / surface

第五十四话 开始


If I look up now for the rainbow I saw as a boy,

There are no longer the seven colors.

Only mist and fog.

As time passed by and the world around me changes,

No matter where I search for you, you're nowhere to be found.

So I close my eyes and open my heart.

I need to know if I gaze up again,

Will things be different this time?

Maybe if I was honest, the fog would fade away

So I pray, screaming that wish deep within my heart.

When you lose one thing,

You gain another, don't you?

But still no matter how often the adults confuse us,

We'll keep looking for the right way to live our lives.

When the rain stopped, you walked to a bridge,

Pointed to the sky, and smiled innocently.

Nothing was able to be said,

when looking at the vanishing rainbow.

That time, I really watched you for a long time,

and I can't forget it.

I am not used to being gentle,

so I simply shout your name in my heart.

There is nothing I want to obtain

from losing you.

The tears of goodbye are

dripping like wet hair.

I still look up at the small sky from a bridge every time the rain stops,

Searching for you.

I am in a monochromatic world

Where I cannot reach you.

I ask you about the thoughts,

That I shut in for a long time.

You blame your faults on your weakness and run away.

That is not better for you, but for me

Maybe if I was more honest, the fog would fade away.

So I pray, screaming that wish deep within my heart.

I want to repaint my world with some color.

Even if there is not enough now,

I tell myself to think gently.

If I can meet you again sometime,

I draw a gentle rainbow.


Kodomo no koro mita niji wo ima miageru to

Nanairo de wa naku yagate kiri ga kakari

Jikan wa sugi kawatte yuku kimi wo sagashite mo doko ni mo inai

Me wo toji kokoro hiraite mata nagamete mite mo

Nani mo kawara nai no ka tashikamete mitai

Sunao ni narereba kono kiri ga hareru to kokoro ni negai sou sakenderu

Nani ka wo nakushite shimatta koto de

Sou te ni shita mono mo kitto arun darou

Dakedo mada bokura wa otona ni tomadoi ikite yuku sube sagashiteru

Ame ga yamu to fuini kimi ha hodoukyou ni nobori

Sora wo yubisashite mujaki ni waratteta

Kieiru you na sukete niji wo nani mo ie nai mama nagamate itane

Hountou wa ano toki zutto

Kimi no yokogao wo miru koto ni muchuu ni natteta wasure nai tame ni

Sunao ni narezu ni tada kimi no namae wo kokoro no naka de sou sakenderu

Kimi wo ushinatte made te ni shitai mono nado nai hazu na no ni dou shite darou

Mereta kami wo dzutai ochiru no wa "sayonara" to iu namida datte ne

Ameagari wa ima mo hodoukyou kara semai sora miage kakehashi wo sagasu kedo

Kimi no moto he tadoritsuke nainda MONOKURO no sekai ni iru

Kotoba ni dekizu ni tojikometa omoi wo ima sara kimi ni toikakete miru

Yowasa no sei ni shite nigedashita no wa

Sou kimi no hou ja nai boku no hou da yo

Sunao ni narereba kono kiri ga hareru to kokoro ni negai sou sakenderu

Nanika tarinakute mo ima aru iro de sou boku no sekai wo nurikaete mitai

Itsuka mata kimi ni aeru nara sunao ni omoi tsutaeru kara

Sunao na niji wo egaite miru kara



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上一篇 2023-03-15



