

金融专业: 金融专业在加拿大是一个备受青睐的专业,在拟读专业方面占了很大的比例,而据加拿大统计局出台的关于行业工资调查中显示,金融保险业的每周平均工资在1000加币以上,居所有行业的前4位。


University of Toronto 多伦多大学

University of McMaster 麦克马斯特大学

Simon Fraser University 西蒙菲沙大学

Western Ontario University西安大略大学

St. Mary’s University 圣玛丽大学

University of North British Columbia 北英属哥伦比亚大学

管理类专业: 加拿大管理类专业里面要数酒店旅游管理是最吃香的,因为加拿大的酒店业非常发达,需要人才较多,而当地人口少,给国际学生提供了很好的机会。在加拿大也有一些学校开设了酒店管理专业,只需3年即可完成本科课程,其中还包括1年的带薪实习课程,薪酬达到2万加币。


Univiersity of Victoria 维多利亚大学

University of Guelf 圭尔夫大学

University of Concordia 康考迪亚大学

会计专业: 会计是众多学子选择的,无论国内还是国外,会计专业的就业情况也是比较良好的。据留学专家分析,会计专业在加拿大仍属于就业方面比较紧缺的专业,是加拿大最好找工作的专业之一。而且在加拿大无论公司大小、无论成立时间长短,只要有业务,就需要有会计人员的职位,决定了会计职位“供大于求”。


University of Toronto 多伦多大学

University of Waterloo 滑铁卢大学

University of McMaster 麦克马斯特大学

University of Saskatchewan 萨省大学

Brock University 布鲁克大学

电子计算机专业/IT专业: 在加拿大,电子计算机专业非常有前景,由于现在是信息时代,需求量也非常大。


University of Toronto 多伦多大学

University of Dalhousie 戴尔豪斯大学

University of New Brunswick 新布伦瑞克大学

Acadia University 阿卡迪亚大学

教育专业: 在留学拟读专业中,选择教育专业的学生并不多,而在加拿大,教育专业较好的学校并非很多,但教育质量都是非常优秀的,比如布鲁克大学的教育硕士专业,在加拿大公认最成熟的教育专业。根据经验,对于国内本科为文科,特别是英语专业的学生,留学加拿大选择专业并不是特别有利,而教育硕士专业就成了这些学生最佳的选择。


University of Brock 布鲁克大学

Memorial University of Newfoundland 纽芬兰纪念大学

York University 约克大学

University of British Columbia 英属哥伦比亚大学

University of Regina 里贾纳大学

新闻、大众传媒: 加拿大各个大学的传媒专业设置也不相同,有的学校只开设新闻专业,有的学校会更注重文化交流或修辞方面的人际传播。


University of Toronto 多伦多大学

University of Carleton 卡尔顿大学

Simon Fraser University 西门飞沙大学

Ryerson University 怀雅逊大学

New Brunswick University 新布伦瑞克大学

Concordia University 康考迪亚大学



ESL 课程一共有A、B、C、D、E,你需要修完E才能修11~12年级英语。




加拿大 Canada



North America.Area: 3,849,674 sq mi (9,970,610 sq km). Population (2002 est.): 31,244,000. Capital: Ottawa. People of British and French descent constitute more than half the populationthere are significant minorities of German, Italian, Ukrainian, Chinese, Dutch, American Indian, and Inuit (Eskimo) origin. Languages: English, French (both official). Religions: Roman Catholicism, Protestantism (United Church of Canada, Anglican Church of Canada). Currency: Canadian dollar. Canada may be divided into several physiographic regions. A large interior basin centred on Hudson Bay and covering nearly four-fifths of the country is composed of the Canadian Shield, the interior plains, and the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence lowlands. Rimming the basin are highland regions, including the Arctic Archipelago. Mountain ranges include the Rocky, Coast, and Laurentian mountains. Canada's highest peak is Mount Logan in Yukon Territory. Five of Canada's rivers

the St. Lawrence, Mackenzie, Yukon, Fraser, and Nelson

rank among the world's 40 largest. In addition to Lakes Superior and Huron, both shared with the U.S., Canada's Great Bear and Great Slave lakes are among the world's 11 largest lakes. The country also includes several major islands, including Baffin, Ellesmere, Victoria, Newfoundland, and Melville, and many small ones. Its border with the U.S., the longest demilitarized border in the world, extends 3,987 miles (6,415 km). With a developed market economy that is export-directed and closely linked with that of the U.S., Canada is one of the world's most prosperous countries. It is a parliamentary state with two legislative housesits chief of state is the British monarch, whose representative is Canada's governor-general, and the head of government is the prime minister. Originally inhabited by American Indians and Inuit, Canada was visited с AD 1000 by Scandinavian explorers, whose discovery is confirmed by archaeological evidence from Newfoundland. Fishing expeditions off Newfoundland by the English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese began as early as 1500. The French claim to Canada was made in 1534 when Jacques Cartier entered the Gulf of St. Lawrence. A small settlement was made in Nova Scotia (Arcadia) in 1605, and by 1608 Samuel de Champlain had reached Quebec. Fur trading was the impetus behind the early colonizing efforts. In response to French activity, the English in 1670 formed the Hudson's Bay Company. The British-French rivalry for the interior of upper North America lasted almost a century. The first French loss occurred in 1713 at the conclusion of Queen Anne's War (War of the Spanish Succession), when Nova Scotia and Newfoundland were ceded to the British. The Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) resulted in France's expulsion from continental North America in 1763. After the American Revolution Canada's population was augmented by loyalists fleeing the United States, and the increasing number arriving in Quebec led the British to divide the colony into Upper and Lower Canada in 1791. The British reunited the two provinces in 1841. Canadian expansionism resulted in the confederation movement of the mid 19th century, and in 1867 the Dominion of Canada, comprising Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, and Ontario, came into existence. After confederation, Canada entered a period of westward expansion. The prosperity that accompanied Canada into the 20th century was marred by continuing conflict between the English and French communities. Through the Statute of Westminster (1931), Canada was recognized as an equal partner of Great Britain. With the Canada Act of 1982, the British gave Canada total control over its constitution and severed the remaining legal connections between the two countries. French Canadian unrest continued to be a major concern, with a movement growing for Quebec separatism in the late 20th century. Referendums for more political autonomy for Quebec were rejected in 1992 and 1995, but the issue remained unresolved. In 1999 Canada formed the new territory of Nunavut.



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