网络优化 相关英文缩写汇总 英文经典资料 前辈指点啊!!!

网络优化 相关英文缩写汇总 英文经典资料 前辈指点啊!!!,第1张


Network optimization is a "wireless network optimization," in short, means the communications network, once completed, on this basis for various optimization (including software, hardware, configuration, etc.)network rules is the "Network planning" for short, refers to the construction of communications networks network under construction before the target, the user needs, local conditions such as construction of the network planning.


每门课有Primary class(2h-3h)

多数还有附加课程(2hours):辅导课、研讨presentation、Computer Lab activity(或论文写作)



下面是澳洲griffith大学Master of Urban and Environmental Planning的课程你参考一下(其他学校相同专业主修课不会差太多,澳洲有规范的)

Master of Urban and Environmental Planning (120CP)

Students must complete a minimum of 2 from the following 3 Planning Studios courses:

Course title CP

Strategic Planning Studio10

Graduate Planning Studio A10

Graduate Planning Studio B10

Students must complete a minimum of 2 from the following 3 Planning Techniques courses.

Urban and Regional Economics (not offered in 2009) 10

Policy Planning 10

Public Involvement and Community Development 10

Students must complete the following Administration and Law course:

Advanced Environmental and Planning Law* 10

Students must complete the following Planning Theory course:

Planning Theory course list Year Sem Course code Course title CP

1 I 7017ENV Planning Theory and Processes 10

Students must complete a minimum of 1 from the following 2 Geographic Information Systems courses:

Geographic Information Systems course list Year Sem Course code Course title CP

1 I 7067ENV Geographic Information Systems 10

1 II 7068ENV Remote Sensing 10

Students must complete a minimum of 2 from the following 3 Urban Development courses:

Urban Development course list Year Sem Course code Course title CP

1 I 7077ENV Urban Analysis 10

1 II 7087ENV Transport Planning 10

1 II 7207ENV Urban Management 10

Students must complete a minimum of 2 from the following 3 Environment courses:

Environment course list Year Sem Course code Course title CP

1 I 7107ENV Environmental Assessment 10

1 I 7250ENV Environmental Systems and Climate Change 10

1 II 7421ENV Environmental Pollution 10

PLUS 10CP of elective courses. Students may select a postgraduate level elective from any School or Department subject to enrolment restrictions and prerequisite requirements.

健康管理是为个体和群体提供有针对性的科学健康信息并创造条件采取行动来改善健康health management provides targeted science and heath information for individuals and groups and create conditions to take action to improve health.提供健康及亚健康营养饮食方案,提供健康管理咨询。Provide health and sub-health nutrition diet plan and health management consulting

华为3Com网络工程师(HCNE)培训Huawei 3com network engineer (HCNE) training办公室小型局域网的搭建和维护,网络设备的管理。the construction and maintenance of the small office LAN and the management of the network equipment.网络编辑培训 network editing training网站素材采集,稿件撰写,内容审核,软文写作和推广,栏目策划,社区管理,配合SEO和SEM 及博客营销等网络营销方式the net work marketing way like website material collection, manuscript writing, content auditing, soft articles writing and promotion, program planning, community management, cooperate with SEO and SEM and blog marketing and so on



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