

Deposits on intentionally fouled membranes were investigated with scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) (Jeol ISM-840 A) and an energy dispersive xray (EDX) apparatus which was combined with a microanalysis system, Link Analytical AN10000.

用扫描电镜(Jeol ISM-840 A)及装有微分析系统(连接分析AN10000)的能量弥散x-射线仪研究在故意弄皱的膜上面的沉积物。

Deposits (on intentionally fouled membranes) were investigated with scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) (Jeol ISM-840 A) and an energy dispersive xray (EDX) apparatus。。。。

an energy dispersive xray (EDX) apparatus which was combined with a microanalysis system, Link Analytical AN10000.

(ii) The white sample was divided intofour parts and separately was observed bySEM (Leo5420, 1020 keV)by TEM(H-7100, 120 keVJEM-4000, 400 keV)and by HRTEM. (2)白色的样品被分成四部分,并用扫描电镜(SEM, Leo5420,10 20keV),透射电镜((H-7100, 120 keVJEM-4000, 400 keV)以及高分辨率透射电镜(HRTEM)单独进行了观察。The composition of theproduct was analyzed by energy dispersiveX-ray (EDX, JEM-2010).产品的组分用能量分散X射线法(EDX,JEM-2010)进行了分析。 Luminescence experiments were carried out by exposingthe SiO2 nanowires to X-ray irradiation using a Philips set to deliver a dose of 20 Gy·min−1. 发光实验通过将SiO2纳米线暴露于X射线辐射下进行,X射线辐射采用Philips公司的设备提供20 Gy·min−1的剂量The


luminescence emission of the sample was measured using a high-sensitivity multiplexed systemwith F/2.2 optics developed.样品的发光发射用一台高灵敏度的、带有所研制的F/2.2光学元件的复用系统进行测量。 Experiments were conducted at low (25240 K, heating rate 6K·min−1) and high (293673 K, heating rate 50 K·min−1) temperatures.实验在低温(25240 K, 加热速率 6K·min−12)和高温(293673 K, 加热速率 50 K·min−1)下进行。 Results and discussion 2.结果和讨论。SEM (fig. 2(a)) image reveals the presence of white product on TiSi film. Under higher resolution,the white product consists of large quantities of wire-like materials and these wires arewinding, exhibiting smooth surface and uniform diameter (ca. 4090 nm).扫描电镜图像揭示了在TiSi薄膜上存在白色产物。在较高分辨率下,白色产物由大量线状的材料构成,这些线是缠绕的,呈现出光滑的表面和均匀的直径(ca.4090 nm). Further HRTEM examination shows that the nanowires are amorphous (fig. 2(c)) and EDX analyses indicate that theyconsist solely of silicon and oxygen (fig. 2(d)). 进一步的HRTEM检验表明,这些纳米线是无定形的(图2(c)),而EDX分析表明,它们仅由硅和氧组成(图2(d))。Computer analyses exhibit that the SiO ratio is12. Therefore, they are very long amorphous SiO2 nanowires.计算机分析表明,硅、氧的比率是1:2.因此它们是很长的无定形SiO2纳米线。



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