

1、你是你: Our Time Has Come

例:你是你的所为: You Are What You Do

但此刻你是你: But there you are with yours


1. JuJu Club

鸭子 (苏慧伦) 韩文版—我是我(JuJu Club )

2. And here I am with mine

I Honesty Love You[北京朋友] ...

But there you are with yours 但 此刻你是你

And here I am with mine 我是我

So I guess we’ll just be leaving it at this 因此,我想我们都要告别孤独 ...

3. Most Girls

PChome Online 商店街 - 艾蕾莎摩儿... ...

Hell With Ya 去你的

Most Girls 我是我

There You Go 你看吧 ...

例:我是我所是: I am that Iam

我是……我说: I Am I Said

我是我所是的: I am who I am

我是我自己的主人: Master of Myself

我是我命运的主人: I'm the master of my fate.

我是我 但他不再是他: I was me, but now he’s gone

我是那我是: I AM THAT I AM

我仍然是我: wo reng ran shi wo


1. who is who

...而一个中国人在社会或政府上做事,首先在脑海里考虑的不是「什么是什么」(what is what)的问题,而是「谁是谁」(who is who)的问题。因为决定对错是非的是阶层的身份而不是事情的本身。

2. RM72


例: 你是谁我是谁: DjV Remix | DjSelinas remix

易欣-你是谁我是谁: EriCSsoN ReMix

它并不是关于“他是谁”、“她是谁”,或者,“谁为谁而疯狂”: It's not about who was he, or was she, who's creeping on whom

是谁: where | what | No matter when

谁是: WHOIS | who's=who is

我是谁: Who am i | Jackie Chans Who Am I? | Ngo si sui

你是谁: Who Are You | Semmey Remix | Quem Es Tu

那是谁: Who's That | Who&apos | s That

爱是谁: WuAiShiShui

件Pieces 简写PCS 这个我常看到.也指套!

一件 Annex 1

木制上下床 On the wooden bed

镀锌折叠椅 Galvanized Folding Chair

床底柜 Bed counters

不锈钢操作台 Stainless steel tables

外接电源线 External Power Supply Line

上下空调柜 AC counters levels

空调稳定器 AC Stabilizer

空调稳定器架 AC stability Jia




记号语言学, 症候学

符号学(Semiotics 或 Semiology)广义上是研究符号传意的人文科学,当中含盖所有涉文字符、讯号符、密码、古文明记号、手语的科学。可是,由于含盖的范围过于广阔,在西方世界的人文科学中并未得到重视,直至结构主义在二十世纪下半期兴起,以《Tel Quel》杂志为号召的哲学家,为了反对让-保罗·萨特的存在主义,则大量引用俄罗斯在共产革命前的一系列,有关符号在文化上的再现过程的研究,故此,正式出现当今所指的符号学,要算到一九六零年代。

现代符号学另一个强大的源头是世纪初瑞士语言学泰斗索绪尔的教学讲稿 -- 《普通语言学教程》,索绪尔将符号分成 意符 Signifier 和 意指 Signified 两个互不从属的部份之后,真正确立了符号学的基本理论,影响了后来李维史陀和罗兰·巴特等法国结构主义的学者,被誉为现代符号学之父。

for more information: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%AC%A6%E8%99%9F%E5%AD%B8

english version:

Semiotics, semiotic studies, or semiology is the study of signs and symbols, both individually and grouped into sign systems. It includes the study of how meaning is constructed and understood.

Semioticians also sometimes examine how organisms make predictions about and adapt to their semiotic niche in the world (see semiosis). In general, semiotic theories are about signs, while the study of the communication of information in living organisms is covered in biosemiotics or zoosemiosis.

Syntactics is the branch of semiotics that deals with the formal properties of signs and symbols.




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