To change file or folder permissions:
1. Navigate to the file or folder that you need to change.
2. Click on the name of the file or folder.
3. Click on the Change Permissions link in the top-right corner of the window.
4. Click on as many tick boxes as you require to create the right permission. The permission numbers underneath the tick boxes will update automatically.
5.Click on the Change button when you have finished setting the permission. The new permission level has now been saved and the display updated to show the modified file.
3.在窗口的右上角点击修改权限的链接“Change Permissions”
4.。。。。 专业美国主机代购
hi,there. My server has been down for serveral times recently. It effects my bussiness seriously. Please migrate my account to another stable server, otherwise I will cancel my account. Thanks!翻译: 我在的服务器最近总是down,严重的影响了我的生意。请将我的帐户迁移到另外一台稳定的服务器上,否则我将注销我的帐户。谢谢!
enjoy :)
之前大漠孤狼说收到开通信的时间要看具体情况而定,不能一概而论。的确是这样!我昨天为朋友购买了LunarPages的主机,从付款到收到开通信居然只用了90分钟?! 很快了! 查看原帖>>欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:夏雨云