中文翻译成英文 急急!!

中文翻译成英文 急急!!,第1张

Using ultrasound dispersing, high silicon carbide powders ball grinding method in introducing Al2O3 - Y2O3 sintering additives, preparation for sintering sic ceramics. Through the research of different levels and in different proportion of sintering additives on the properties of silicon carbide ceramics, time of sintering influences the performance of sic ceramics and milling time of sic ceramics, finally the appropriate process parameters, the preparation of high silicon carbide ceramic.

Using ball mill.the silicon carbide ceramic powders were prepared for precursors, precursor powders were thermogravimetric analysis, ir, differential thermal analysis, powder diffraction analysis indicates that the precursor powder sintering obtained Al2O3 auxiliaries Y2O3 and formation of about 9.6 yag.the temperature degrees. Through the analysis of sintering, extend and improve the sintering temperature sintering time improve sinter density, increase the temperature of the increase of density is more effective. Analysis of sinter ball grinding time performance, that the appropriate milling time for 12h. Composite powder sinter ball grinding method of sintered body for the general density 3.16 g/cm - 3, relative density 96%. Through the analysis of sinter, SEM sintered surface porosity above section, and surface of grain boundaries, basic "clean" is more obvious than in dense, section.


In this paper, the use of ultrasonic dispersion, high-energy ball milling of silicon carbide powder in the introduction of Al2O3-Y2O3 sintering aids were prepared by sintering silicon carbide ceramics. By studying the content in different proportions and different sintering additives on the properties of silicon carbide ceramic, sintering time on properties of silicon carbide ceramic and ceramic milling time on properties of silicon carbide, and finally determine the appropriate process parameters, preparation of high-performance of silicon carbide ceramics.

Prepared using ball milling of silicon carbide ceramic precursor powders, the precursor powders were TG, differential thermal analysis, IR analysis, powder diffraction analysis, show that the precursor powders obtained in Al2O3 and Y2O3 sintering aids the formation of the temperature of YAG about 960 ℃. Through the sintering of the analysis show that the extension of sintering time and improve the sintering temperature are to improve the sintered density, improve temperature on density is more effective improvement. Analysis of milling time on properties of sintered bodies, indicating that a suitable milling time for 12h. Ball milling to obtain the composite powder sintered body sintered density of the largest 3.16g/cm-3, the relative density of 96.0%. Sintered by the SEM analysis, show that the sintered porosity of the surface above the cross-section, cross-section of the grain surface and the basic "clean" grain boundaries are more obvious than dense cross-section surface

最常用的球磨机进料方式分为3种分别是:螺旋进料、勺轮进料、溜管进料。为了最大可能的使物料进入球磨机后落在较外层,认为只有采取一些辅助措施来增大物料与中空耳轴的摩擦力,使物料离开中空耳轴、进入球磨机时的脱离点位置提高。但是这样做势必会造成进料易堵塞、易返料等现象,影响球磨机正常生产。所以再次设计中只加了旋转肋板。下边新兴详细的为您介绍3种主要的进料方式。 1、螺旋进料方式:物料由进料漏斗滑落到勺轮后,回转的勺轮将物料提升上去,再由轮叶直接倒在位于中空轴内的螺旋套筒内,内螺旋叶片将物料送到圆锥球磨机。为避免较热的物料和气流对主轴承传热过剧,在中空轴和螺旋套筒之间预留一定间隙使之形成空气隔热层。 2、勺轮进料方式:物料由进料漏斗进入勺轮内,勺轮轮叶将其提升至中心卸下进入锥形套内,然后溜入磨内。为避免物料从进料漏斗与勺轮之间的缝隙漏出,同样要求勺轮入口半径与勺轮半径之差值H须大于物料的堆积高度,并在环形间隙处加设密封。 3、溜管进料:物料经溜管进入位于湿式球磨机中空轴颈内的锥形套筒,沿着旋转的筒壁自行滑入球磨机内。溜管断面呈现椭圆形。溜管的倾角必须大于物料的休止角,以确保物料的畅通。溜管进料结构简单,但是又有喂料量较小的缺点,适用于中空轴颈的直径较大长度又较短的情况。 如果您是球磨机的客户,或者您在球磨机机的使用方面有什么问题,我们将为您免费提供球磨机机应用的专业解决方案!即刻拨打,了解更多,相信与“新兴”人的沟通一定会对您的选择有所帮助!您也可以登录我厂网站:www.gyxxjx.com 巩义市新兴机械厂



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