standard error of measurement
The standard deviation (SD) represents variation in the values of a variable, whereas the standard error of the mean (SEM) represents the spread that the mean of a sample of the values would have if you kept taking samples. So the SEM gives you an idea of the accuracy of the mean, and the SD gives you an idea of the variability of single observations. The two are related: SEM = SD/(square root of sample size).
如果你的结果的方差比较小的话,用sd即可,如果稍微有些大,sem可以让误差线看起来小一些。_曜疾睿_tandard Deviation) ,中文环境中又常称均方差,但不同于均方误差(mean squared error,均方误差是各数据偏离真实值的距离平方的平均数,也即误差平方和的平均数,计算公式形式上接近方差,它的开方叫均方根误差,均方根误差才和标准差形式上接近),标准差是离均差平方和平均后的方根,用σ表示。标准差是方差的算术平方根。标准差能反映一个数据集的离散程度。平均数相同的,标准差未必相同。