哪款海外 VPS 性价比高

哪款海外 VPS 性价比高,第1张



ache n 疼痛

act n &v 表演,行动

action n 表演,动作

activity n 活动

advertisement n 广告

advice n 建议,忠告

airplane n 飞机

airport n 机场

ant n 蚂蚁

area 地区,范围,面积

army n 军队

article n 文章,论文,冠词

Asia n 亚洲

Asian a &n 亚洲的,亚洲人

attention n 注意,立正(口令)

balloon n 气球

bamboo n 竹子

baseball n 棒球

bathroom n 浴室

beach n 海滩

bear� n 熊

bee n 蜜蜂

beef n 牛肉

believe v 相信

bell n 钟,铃

birth n 出生

biscuit n 饼干

blood n 血

boss n 老板

bowl n 碗

brain n 大脑,头脑

butter n 奶油

butterfly n 蝴蝶

cabbage n 大白菜

camel n 骆驼

camera n 相机

camp n &v 野营

cancer n 癌症

candle n 蜡烛

candy n 糖果

cap n 帽子

capital n 首都

captain n 船长,(球队)队长

cause n &v 原因,引起

CD n 唱片

CD-ROM n. 光驱

cent n (美元中的)分

chairman/woman n 主席

chalk n 粉笔

chance n 机会

chant n &v 聊天

check n &v 检查

cheer n &v 喝采

cheese n 乳酪

chemistry n 化学

chest n 胸脯

chicken n 鸡肉

China n 中国

chocolate n 巧克力

choice n 选择

chopsticks n 筷子

church n 教堂

circle n &v 圆圈,圈住

clap v &n 鼓掌,掌声

cloud n 云

club n 俱乐部

coffee n 咖啡

coin n 硬币

coke n 可乐

college n (大专)学院

company n 公司

competition n 比赛

composition n 作文

concert n 演唱会

conversation n 交谈

cooker n 厨具,灶具

cotton n &a 棉花

cough n &v 咳嗽

countryside n 农村,乡下

couple n 一对(夫妻)

courage n 勇气

cousin n (堂、表)兄弟姐妹

cover n &v 封面,覆盖

daily a, ad &n 每天的;日报

danger n 危险

death n 死亡

decision n 决定,决心

dentist n 牙医

dialogue (Am dialog) n 对话

diary n 日记

difference n 不同点

difficulty n 困难,难处

discovery n 发现

discussion n 讨论

disease n 疾病

dish n 碟

doll n 玩具娃娃

double a &n 双倍的,双重的

dozen n 一打(12个)

drawer n 抽屉,

drop n &v 点滴,落下,放弃

drum n 鼓

duck n 鸭子

duty n 职责,


edge n 边缘

education n 教育

e-mail n &v (发)电子邮件

enemy n 敌人

engineer n 工程师

environment n 娱乐

eraser n擦除器(如黑板擦、橡皮擦等)

Europe n 欧洲

European a &n 欧洲的,欧洲人

example n 例子

experience n 经验

experiment n 实验,试验

fact n 事实

fear n 害怕,危险

feeling n 感情

festival n 节日

fever n 发烧

fight (fought, fought ) v &n 打架,打仗

finger n 手指

fire n 火

flag n 旗

flat n 套房

flu n 流感

foreigner n 外国人

forest n 森林

fork n餐叉

furniture n 家具,家私

gentleman n 先生,绅士

geography n 地理

gift n 小礼物

giraffe n长颈鹿

glove n 手套

goat n 山羊

goose (pl. geese) n 鹅

government n 政府

grade n 年级

grandchild n 孙辈

granddaughter n 孙女

grandparent n 祖父母

grandson n 孙子

granny n 奶奶

grape n葡萄

guitar n 吉它

gun n 枪

habit n 习惯,习性

hall n 大厅

hamburger n 汉堡包

handbag n 手袋

handwriting n 书法,笔迹

hat n 草帽

hate v &n 憎恨

headache n 头疼

health n 健康

heat n 热量

height n 高度

hen n 母鸡

hobby n业余爱好,癖好

hometown n 家乡

hotdog n 热狗

human a &n 人类,人

ice-cream n 冰淇淋

illness n 疾病

increase v &n 增加,增强

India n 印度

Indian a &n 印度人

information n 信息

ink n 墨水

instruction n 说明,指引

interest n 趣味

international n 国际的

Internet n 互联网

interview n &v接见,会见,采访

invention n 发明

island n 岛

jeans n 牛仔裤

job n 工作

joke n &v 笑话,开玩笑

joy n 乐趣

juice n 果汁

kick v &n 踢

kid n 小孩

kilo = kilogram n 公斤

king n 国王

kiss n &v 吻

kitchen n 厨房

kite n 风筝

knee n 膝,膝盖,膝部

knowledge n 知识

lamb n 羔羊肉

lamp n 灯,油灯,灯火

law n 法律

leader n 领导

leaf (pl. leaves) n 叶子

least n最小最少

level n 水平

license n 牌照,证照

lion n 狮子

list n &v 表格,列表

lock n &v 锁,上锁

London n 伦敦

luck n 运气

magazine n 杂志

mail n 邮件

manager n 经理

marriage n 婚姻

master v &n 主人,

meaning n 意思,意义

memory n 记忆

mention n &v 提及,意思是

menu n 菜单

metal n &a 金属(的)

mile n 英里

mirror n 镜子

model n 示范,模范

mom (Am mum) n 妈妈

monitor n 班长,显示器

motorcycle n 摩托车

mouse (pl. mice) n 老鼠

movie n 电影

Ms. n 女士

nature n 大自然

neck n 脖子,颈

neighbour (Am neighbor) n 邻居

night n 夜晚

noodle n 面条

note n &v 笔记,记录,字条

notebook n 笔记本

notice n &v 通知,注意到

object n 物体

ocean n 海洋

offer v &n 提供

officer n 官员

oil n 油

order v &n

owner n 物主,拥有者

P.C. = personal computer n

P.E. = physical education n

Pacific n &a 太平洋

package n 包裹

paint n &v 油漆,颜料,用油漆油

palace n 宫殿

pancake n 薄烤饼

panda n 熊猫

pardon n 原谅

passage n 短文,通道

passenger n 路人

passport n 护照

path n 小路

peace n 和平

pence n 便士

penny n 分

people n 人,人们

pet n 兽医

physics n 物理

piano n 钢琴

pie n 派,馅饼

pig n 猪

pilot n 飞行员

ping-pong n 乒乓球

pink n &a 粉红色(的)

pity n怜悯同情,可惜的事

plan n &v 计划

planet n 行星

plastic n &a 塑料(的)

plate n 盘子

playground n 运动场

pleasure n 愉悦,高兴满足

pocket n 口袋

point v &n 指向;点

pool n 水塘

population n 人口

pork n 猪肉

postcard n 明信片

postman n 邮递员

pound n 磅,镑

price n 价钱

pride n 骄傲

prize n 奖赏,奖金

public a &n 公共的

pupil n 小学生

queen n 女王

rabbit n 兔子

race n 赛跑

railway n 铁路,铁轨

raincoat n 雨衣

rainy a 雨天

rat n老鼠

reason n 理由,原因

recorder n 录音机,

repair n &v 修理

reply v &n回答,答复

report n &v 报告

restaurant n 餐馆

result n 结果

review v &n 复习

riddle n谜,谜语

robot n 机器人

rock n 岩石,石山

rose n 玫瑰

rubber n 橡皮擦

rubbish n垃圾废物

rule n &v 规则

ruler n 尺子

Russia n 俄国

safe a &n 安全(的)

safety n 安全

salt n 盐

sand n 沙子

sandwich n 三明治

sausage n香肠,腊肠

scarf n围巾披巾头巾,领带

schoolbag n 书包

scientist n 科学家

score n &v 得分,射中

screen n 屏幕

search n &v 搜索

secret n 秘密

sentence n 句子

set (set, set) v &n (日、月等)落,设置

shape n &v形状样子,外形

shorts n运动短裤

shoulder n 肩膀

shower n淋浴

silk n 丝绸

skill n 技巧

smoke v &n 吸烟;烟

snake n 蛇

soap n肥皂

society n 社会

socks n短袜,

soup n 汤

space n 空间

speaker n 演讲者,喇叭

speech n 演讲

speed n &v 速度

spirit n 精神

spoon n汤匙

square n 广场,平方

state n 形态,国家

steel n钢铁

step n &v 步伐,脚步

stomach n 胃,肚子

stone n 石头

store n &v贮存,店铺

storm n暴风雨

strawberry n 草莓

success n 成功

Sunday n 星期天

sweater n 汗衫,毛衣

symbol n 符号

table tennis n 乒乓球

tail n 尾巴

tale n 故事,传说

tape n 磁带

task n 任务,工作

taste n &v 味道,尝起来…

taxi n 的士

technology n 技术

television = TV n 电视

tennis n 网球

tent n 帐篷

test v &n 试验,测试,检验

text n 课文

theatre (Am theatre) n 戏院

thought n 思想

tie v &n 绑紧;领带

tiger n 老虎

toilet n 厕所

tongue n 舌头;口语

tool n 工具

toothache n 牙痛

toothbrush n 牙刷

tour n 旅行

tourist n 游客

toward(s) prep 向着…

towel n 毛巾

tower n 塔

toy n 玩具

traffic n 交通

training n 训练,培训

treasure n 珠宝

trip n 旅行,行程

truck n 卡车

T-shirt n T形衬衫

umbrella n 雨伞

underground a &n 地下的;地下层

unit n 单元

university n 大学


video n 录像

violin n 小提琴

voice n 嗓音,人声

volleyball n 排球

war n 战争

waste n &v 废物;浪费

watermelon n 西瓜

weekday n 工作日

whale n 鲸

wheat n 小麦

wine n葡萄酒酒

wing n翅膀

winner n 胜者

wolf n 狼

wood n 木头

yard n 码,院子

zebra n 斑马

△Atlantic n &a 大西洋

△ability n 能力,都能

△accent n 口音

△advantage n 优势,优点

△agreement n 同意,协定

△airline 航线

△avoid n 避开,躲避,预防

△behaviour n 行为,举止,态度

△board n 木板,牌

△bottom n 底部

△breath n 呼吸

△ceiling n 天花板

△coach n 教练

△coal n 煤炭

△coast n 海岸

△communication n 交流,沟通

△condition n 条件

△conference n 会议,协商会

△course n 课程

△crayon n 蜡笔,有色粉笔

△culture n 文化

△degree n 级别,度数

△development n 发展

△direction n 方向

△director n 指挥,主任,导演

△doubt n &v 怀疑

△drug n 毒品

△effort n 努力

△energy n 能量

△gesture n 手势,姿势

△god n 上帝

△greeting n 打招呼

△guard n 卫兵,看守

△guest n 客人

△gym = gymnasium n健身房,体育馆

△ham n 火腿

△heaven n 天堂

△hero n 英雄

△honour (Am honor) n &v 荣誉

△inch n 英寸

△industry n 工业

△influence n 影响,势力

△intention n 意图,意向,目的

△iron n &v 熨斗;熨衣,

△lemonade n 柠檬

△method n 方法

△operation n

△overcoat n

△percent n 百分比

△period n 期间,时期

△plain a &n 平原;简单的

△plenty n 足够

△poem n 诗

△policy n 政策

△pond n 池塘

△position n 位置

△praise n &v 表扬

△president n 总统

△prison n 监狱

△prisoner n 囚犯

△progress n &v 提高,进步

△promise n &v 承诺,许诺

△pronunciation n 发音

△purple a &n紫色,紫红色(的)

△purpose n 目的

△purse n钱包(女用)手提包

△regret n &v为...抱歉,遗憾

△relation n 关系

△research n 研究

△risk n危险,风险

△role n 角色

△rope n 绳子

△sail n &v (船)航行

△salad n色拉

△secretary n 秘书

△sense n感觉意识观念

△servant n 仆人

△service n 服务

△shame n羞耻(心),羞愧(感)

△sight n视觉,视力,看见

△silence n无声,寂静

△silver n银

△situation n处境,境遇

△sofa n 沙发

△solid a &n 固体(的)

△sort v &n种类,品种

△stairs n楼梯

△standard n &a 水平;标准的

△stranger n 陌生人

△stream n小河,溪流

△suggestion n 建议

△supply v &n供应,提供

△surface n 表面

△swing n. 秋千

△thread n 线

△ton n 吨

△toothpaste n 牙膏

△total a &n 总的;总数,合计

△trade n 交易,贸易

△treatment n 待遇,治疗

△truth n 事实,真相

△vacation n 假期

△value n 价值,评价

△vehicle n 车辆

△victory n 胜利

△wealth n 财富

△website n 网页

△weight n 重量

△wheel n 轮子


Only God can judge me, is that right?

[synth voice] Only God can judge me now

Only God baby, nobody else, nobody else

All you other motherfuckers get out my business

[Verse One: 2Pac]

Perhaps I was blind to the facts, stabbed in the back

I couldn't trust my own homies just a bunch a dirty rats

Will I, succeed, paranoid from the weed

And hocus pocus try to focus but I can't see

And in my mind I'ma blind man doin time

Look to my future cause my past, is all behind me

Is it a crime, to fight, for what is mine?

Everybody's dyin tell me what's the use of tryin

I've been Trapped since birth, cautious, cause I'm cursed

And fantasies of my family, in a hearse

And they say it's the white man I should fear

But, it's my own kind doin all the killin here

I can't lie, ain't no love for the other side

Jealousy inside, make em wish I died

Oh my Lord, tell me what I'm livin for

Everybody's droppin got me knockin on heaven's door

And all my memories, of seein brothers bleed

And everybody grieves, but still nobody sees

Recollect your thoughts don't get caught up in the mix

Cause the media is full of dirty tricks

Only God can judge me

[Chorus: 2Pac]

[synth voice] Only God can judge me

That's right baby, yeah baby

[synth voice] Only God


[synth + Pac] Only God can judge me, only God can judge

[synth cont.] me, only God

Only God can judge me

[synth + Pac] Only God can judge me

And only God can

[synth voice] Only God can judge me, only God

Only God can judge me

[synth + Pac] Only God can judge me

Only God can judge me

[synth voice] Only God can judge me, only God

Only God can judge me

[synth voice] Only God can judge me now

[heart monitor: long beep]


[Verse Two: 2Pac]

I hear the doctor standing over me [heart monitor: beeping slowly]

screamin I can make it

Got a body full of bullet holes layin here naked

Still I, can't breathe, somethings evil in my IV

Cause everytime I breathe, I think they killin me [beeping sound stops]

I'm having nightmares, homicidal fantansies

I wake up stranglin, danglin my bed sheets

I call the nurse cause it hurts, to reminisce

How did it come to this? I wish they didn't miss

Somebody help me, tell me where to go from here

Cause even Thugs cry, but do the Lord care?

Try to remember, but it hurts

I'm walkin through the cemetary talkin to the, dirt

I'd rather die like a man, than live like a coward

There's a ghetto up in Heaven and it's ours, Black Power

is what we scream as we dream in a paranoid state

And our fate, is a lifetime of hate

Dear Mama, can you save me? And fuck peace

Cause the streets got our babies, we gotta eat

No more hesitation each and every black male's trapped

And they wonder why we suicidal runnin round strapped

Mista, Po-lice, please try to see that it's

a million motherfuckers stressin just like me

Only God can judge me

[Chorus w/ variations]

[Interlude: 2Pac]

That which does not kill me can only make me stronger

(That's for real)

and I don't see why everybody feel as though

that they gotta tell me how to live my life

(You know?)

Let me live baby, let me live

[Verse Three: Rappin 4-Tay, Tupac]

Pac I feel ya, keep servin it on the reala

For instance say a playa hatin mark is out to kill ya

Would you be wrong, for buckin a nigga to the pavement?

He gon' get me first, if I don't get him fool start prayin

Ain't no such thing as self-defense in the court of law

So judge us when we get to where we're goin wearin a cross, that's real

Got him, lurked him, crept the fuck up on him

Sold a half a million tapes now everybody want him

After talkin behind my back like a bitch would

Tellin them niggaz, "You can fade him," punk I wish you would

It be them same motherfuckers in your face that'll rush up in your place

to get your safe, knowin you on that paper chase

Grass, glass, big screen and leather couch

My new shit is so fetti already sold a key of ounce

Bitch, remember Tupac and 4-Tay

Them same two brothers dodgin bullets representin the Bay

Pac when you was locked down, that's when I'll be around

Start climbing up the charts, so sick, but they tried to clown

That's why they ride the bandwagon still be draggin sellin lies

Don't think I don't see you haters, I know you all in disguise

Guess you figure you know me cause I'm a Thug

That love to hit the late night club, drink then buzz

Been livin lavish like a player all day

Now I'm bout to floss em off, player shit with 4-Tay

Only God can judge me

[Chorus w/ variations]

[4Tay] Only God main

[2Pac] That right?

[4Tay] That's real

[2Pac] Hahahahahaha

[4Tay] Fuck everybody else, yaknowhatI'msayin?

[2Pac] Man, look here man

My only fear of death is comin back to this bitch reincarnated

That's for the homey mental

We up out




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