user@host:~$ ssh -p 29418 user@localhost gerrit create-project --name demo-project
You need to make sure that at least initially your account is granted "Create Reference" privileges for the refs/heads/* reference. This is done via the web interface in the Admin/Projects/Access page that correspond to your project.
After that it’s time to upload the previous history to the server:
user@host:~/my-project$ git push ssh://user@localhost:29418/demo-project *:*
Counting objects: 2011, done.
Writing objects: 100% (2011/2011), 456293 bytes, done.
Total 2011 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To ssh://user@localhost:29418/demo-project
* [new branch] master ->master
那些xml文件是分支配置的文件,使用的话直接init 后再sync就可以了 repo init git地址 -b 分支名 -m xml文件名 repo sync 如果要将本地代码回到某个历史版本直接checkout 或者 reset checkout 支持将文件切换到历史版本,数据库不会修改,还可以欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:夏雨云