

1. 关于虚拟的诗句

关于虚拟的诗句 1.翻译20个关于虚拟式的句子


If it were necessary, I would surely bring you there.2、要是我来做这件事,我要采用不同的方法。If I were to do this, I would use a different way.3、总统命令所有武装部队立即动员起来。

The president ordered all the armed forces (武装部队) take actions immediately.4、董事会决定任命约翰逊(Johnson)为总经理。The board of directors decided that Johnson should be appointed Manager.5、如果我是你,我会勇敢地证实这一问题。

If I were you, I would confirm this issue bravely.6、假如我身体好一些,我早就离开这里了。If I had been healthier, I would hae left here earlier.7、我非常不愿意眼看他犯错误。

I would rather not see im make mistakes.8、我多么希望我们厂装备得好一些。How I wish we could have a better equipment in the factory!9、要不是我们明天有测验,我今晚就去看电影了。

Were it not for the check-out tomorrow, I would go to the movies tonight.10、对所有申请者必须逐一面试。We must have each applicant iterviewed one by one.11、有人建议另外开一次回来讨论通货膨胀问题。

Someone suggested that we (should) hold another meeting to discuss the inflation.12、我一定要她在上海再多待一两天。I insisted that she (should) sta in Shanghai some more days.13、钢铁工人要求提高工资百分之十。

The iron workers commanded the salary should be increased by 10%.14、我赞成他们提出的关于延期讨论的动议。I approved their proposal to put off the discussion.15、我宁愿我的秘书陪我去北京。

I would rather go to Beijing with my secratary.16、已经决定让出更多的的时间用于泛读。I have made up my mind to spare more time for more extensie reading.17、没有民族独立,哪来民族自由,说这一句就够了。

Were it not for independence of the nations, there would be no freedom of the nations, it's enough.18、如果你不听我的忠告,那就算了。That would be nothing if you wouldn't listen to my advice.19、我们一致建议指定一位持中立立场的人主持会议。

We all suggested that a person who held a neutral should be appointed to hold the meeting.20、他似乎已经变成一个完全自私自利的人了。 He had became a person as if he were compeletely selfis.。


梦幻泡影[mèng huàn pào yǐng]





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