2. Party agrees to comply with state authorities and the Chinese domain name Internet domain name management center issued the relevant management policies and regulations, and enjoy the corresponding rights, provide us with corresponding obligations.
3. B Party received the registration fee within five working days to register the name of Party A shall provide the English name, and within the maintenance period to ensure the registration of the registered domain name to protect the Party not to be others use, or transfer, delete, stop and so on.
4. Party applied for registration of the domain name is not to maliciously or for any illegal purposeand agree should be applied every time renewals renewals of the time of the charges. Party does not receive domain name registration services, the bill can not become an applicant does not explain the timely payment of fees.
5. Party B under this contract fees for the owner to complete the registration service, Party B agrees to provide the payment method of payment, such as the receipt of Party B, after the payment is not successfully registered for the Party Party needs related to domain name, you need to return the Party paid the corresponding amount.
6. Any party in violation of any provisions under the contract and causes losses to the other party, should compensate the other party thereby suffered financial losses, the amount of compensation to the international top-level domain names registered that year by paying the annual management fee to run limited.
7. B to ensure successful registration will be responsible for domain name resolution, including Simplified and Traditional Chinese domain name interoperability, and relevant domain management operation descriptions.
8. This contract for the domain name registration Party After the successful entry into force, matters not resolved through mutual consultation.
Note: The original contract by fax and scan documents as legally binding and take effect after the two sides signed
1. 准备开始写,首先想好整体框架,网站有几个部分,每个部分的逻辑,想用来干什么,我的比较干脆,各种作品+博客。(具体的用户需求和交互流程我不详述了)
2. 根据框架设计页面视觉,做好大概之后,图片文字资料齐备就可以写进入下一步。
3. 去国内卖网址的网站或者国外狗爹买个域名,我的是国内买的.com的域名,如果是cn的域名还要备案。
4. 有同学问了服务器的问题,我补充一下,如果是个人建站,没必要买正规备案服务器,可以去淘宝看看香港或者美国的。它们貌似都是把整个服务器进行分割,然后把部分空间以相对还算便宜的价格卖给需要的人。如果想购买正规服务器的同学,一般出售域名的公司,相应的也会有服务器出售和管理业务。
5. 在购买服务器之后,请把服务器和域名进行绑定,具体的方式,请百度一下,或者直接问服务器和域名经销商,这里就不再赘述了。