

Jincheng City, Shanxi Province in the south-east, East pillow too Bank, the south central China, the Yellow River Seomang, North-Youyan, convenient location, convenient traffic, Shanxi is an important gateway to the Central Plains. Coke too, waiting on the railway throughout the West, Shanxi Coke high-speed, long-Jin, Jinyang high-speed, 207 State Road, provincial and county Road, Sheung Heung Road intertwined to form a network, extensive land transport, and is very convenient.

It presides over Jincheng City, Zezhou, Gaoping City, the Yangcheng, and Lingchuan Qinshui six counties (cities, districts), with a total area

9,490 square kilometers, accounting for a total area of the province of 6%. The total area of 283.38 hectares of arable land, 1.42 acres of land per capita. Usual late 2006, the city's total population of 2214500 people. The city's population of 22 nationalities. Muslim minorities in the largest number of people, mainly in urban areas.

Jincheng a long history and rich cultural heritage, is the birthplace of Chinese civilization. As early as two years ago the late Paleolithic, left here in the footsteps of human life. Legend has it's Nu Wa, Shennong, and Chiyou Jiuli tribal leaders Yao, Shun and Yu were all in the activities here. Nuwa Sky (legendary Chinese ancestor Nuwa Humanity's Lian-Sky sites and habitats - cochlear Imperial Cave, but also water Dongxiang Dan Zezhouxian the north bank of Lau Fau Shan North Valley), Shennong seeding (China First Great Shennong mining Baicao grain taste of the air of mountains and ancient regarding tomb is also in Gaoping City), Yu Chipping doors (a Shihmen in Yangcheng County), the Foolish Old Man Moved Mountain, Jingweichenhai historical legends may have that field. Ancient "Mo" had "Shungeng in Lishan" (this is in Qinshui County Lishan Wang Ping-shun), "Fishing in the Prime Minister" (this Yangcheng County east of Ze River) records. Qinshui also to the river Mausoleum Chuanda River, West Yiu-chuen, as the representative of the original culture to have high Zezhou, Pali Ping Qinshui represented by the Neolithic culture. In 260 BC, the history of the famous "Changbengzhizhan" occurred in the vicinity of Gaoping.

Jincheng rich in mineral resources. Length 160 km east and west, north and south width of 100 km underground, and there are coal, gas layer, manganese iron ore, bauxite, copper, zinc, gold, silver, marble, crystal, and others dozens of mineral resources. Particularly coal and iron reserves are substantial, "Rail coal town" reputation. Anthracite coal resources in the main, the reserves of anthracite reserves about 1 / 4 or above, accounting for Shanxi 1 / more than two. The city's coal-bearing area of 5,350 square kilometers, accounting for 56.4 per cent of the city's total area, the total reserves of 80.8 billion tons, of which 27.1 billion tons of proven reserves. Jincheng coal with sulphur content of small, high heat, optional features of the good. Block carbon crystal produced by Bright, burning smokeless tasteless, known as "white coal, coal-orchid carbon," said the British royal family had been selected for coal fireplace, sold the 20 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, and exports Britain, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Western Europe and other countries and regions. 2001 in the southern Qinshui County discovered and proven a major CBM Field - Qinshui coal bed methane fields, the current proven reserves of coalbed methane 100 billion cubic meters. City by the state in 1984 as the fertilizer and chemical raw materials coal base. March 1996, the Fourth Session of the Eighth National People's Congress adopted the "national economy and social development Ninth Five-Year Plan and Long-Term Goals for 2010" clearly put forward in the building of a shipment of high-quality coal as raw material to the high concentration of nitrogen bases.

Jincheng significant forest resources, 380.5 million mu of forest area, the forest coverage rate reached 33.6 percent. Qinshui County Ping Wang Lishan-sun area of the province has retained the only one area of more than 730 hectares of virgin forest. Slope natural grassland animal husbandry 254,700 hectares, the base is one of the livestock industry in Shanxi. Northern China's largest demonstration on the ranch built in Qinshui County.

Jincheng silkworm silk industry has a long history, is well-known in northern China's rural Mulberry silk, silk production accounted for 80% of Shanxi Province, North China is currently the largest silk sericulture base.

Jincheng mild climate, abundant rainfall, particularly suitable for the growth of many rare animals and plants, known as the "treasure house of biological resources in Shanxi" reputation. Manghe existing Yangcheng Qinshui Lishan and two state-level nature reserve. Calendar Mountain Nature Reserve has more than 1,300 species of seed plants, a national focus on the protection of 11 species, 342 kinds of animals, a national key protected animal 38. Manghe Nature Reserve, there are 882 kinds of seed plants, 285 kinds of animals. A national focus on the protection of a black stork, golden eagles, LEOPARD three kinds, there are two monkeys, otters, etc. 28. In the wild plant resources, precious wild Hericium, fungus, mushrooms and other fungi microbes. Hawthorn city is the nation's top five producing regions of Shanxi Province and one of the natural health food production base, rich Yellow Pear, Hawthorn range of health foods and drugs and health food.

Jincheng City in North China is relatively water-rich area of water resources for the total 2.149 billion cubic meters. Per capita water consumption of 872 cubic meters, and higher than the province's average level of the surrounding provinces and regions. Qinhe first major rivers with a total length of 485 km, originated Qinyuanxian territory into the Yellow River. Dan River's second largest river with a total length of 121.5 km, originated in Gaoping, Qinhe injection.




























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