

Paul Yarrow

British that party being ignored ... I want to change the media that we were fat and ugly unsightly light secular ideas The man in the end?

long time, we have been accustomed to see on television the same image - wearing suits, shiny shoes, silk hair pattern is not random, mouth formed a smile arc just right. However, beginning in October 2009, the British television news viewers can often see a middle-aged man: his half-bald head, the only remaining hair is disheveled, confused eyes, a head is not high, it is always wearing the same one large white turtleneck hedging in the news after the lens view - in short, he and any one of our well-known television image completely different.

Moreover, he is too fat, even without a person in front of the camera can completely block him. He is not a TV show host, nor is it certain the respondents representative of the masses, he is a flesh backdrops,scotty cameron, look lax, everywhere. Sometimes he was removed from the crowd, the dull eyes staring at the camera, motionlesshe sometimes deliberately paced behind the host,taylormade r11, to ensure that they are always appear in the shot, knowing at the hearing will be directed at the camera a little bit first to agreesometimes have a newspaper in his hand, or pretend to call you, though not deliberately look into the camera, but his hairline and the ecstasy of the iconic high-necked sweater, or the first time the audience can recognize him.

he appeared in the BBC, ITV, Sky or Channel 4 news program in each file, and even television programs produced in the peninsula can be seen in his presence. His mark on the London Underground bombings victims, participated in demonstrations in Hyde Park, the Prime Minister in Downing Street, election 2010 interest in the Israeli Embassy to protest in front of the action in Gaza. Thing large and small throughout the UK, there is no lack of his presence onlookers,taylormade burner, reporters and even better attendance than are higher.

him in the end? Britain 'Nosey' to statistics, in the past year, he appeared in more than 100 cases of live coverage of news events. Them in the Eventually,ping g15, they find him on Facebook.

he called Paul Yarrow, Chinese friends gave him the name Paul, 42, lived in south London, there is no formal work - or, in his own words, his official job is to His father passed away in 2008, since then, he has been in the care of breast cancer-old mother.

Undoubtedly, Paul is not a sense of social standards of successful people, he had no money, no place, looks are not lovable. In the past forty years of life, because the ordinary, he was a lot of dirty looks. Choose to be rectification of names of people like herself.

in an interview with reporters, Paul's statements in an obvious resentment. I was handed people around. the more you put me aside and let everyone forget me, the more I want you to notice my presence, I want to change the media that we have unsightly fat and ugly people light vulgar idea, we always said, we now live in a fair and respect each other's society, but the reality is that those of us who are not beautiful is not always slim rid of that one! >In fact, the media, or trying to start spending his obesity. British comedian Russel Howard in his program he contemptuously called , or that stupid.

Gradually, people began to understand Paul's idea. Paul became the star of the street, often someone will ask him to go to catch up with their photo, was told he liked his appearance, but also the media began to reflect, advocate equality and freedom of thought within the media, is not it really did not in looks or status to judge a person.

performance angered, and feel that this child a greater number of fun elements,

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