British that party being ignored ... I want to change the media that we were fat and ugly unsightly light secular ideas The man in the end?
long time, we have been accustomed to see on television the same image - wearing suits, shiny shoes, silk hair pattern is not random, mouth formed a smile arc just right. However, beginning in October 2009, the British television news viewers can often see a middle-aged man: his half-bald head, the only remaining hair is disheveled, confused eyes, a head is not high, it is always wearing the same one large white turtleneck hedging in the news after the lens view - in short, he and any one of our well-known television image completely different.
Moreover, he is too fat, even without a person in front of the camera can completely block him. He is not a TV show host, nor is it certain the respondents representative of the masses, he is a flesh backdrops,scotty cameron, look lax, everywhere. Sometimes he was removed from the crowd, the dull eyes staring at the camera, motionlesshe sometimes deliberately paced behind the host,taylormade r11, to ensure that they are always appear in the shot, knowing at the hearing will be directed at the camera a little bit first to agreesometimes have a newspaper in his hand, or pretend to call you, though not deliberately look into the camera, but his hairline and the ecstasy of the iconic high-necked sweater, or the first time the audience can recognize him.
he appeared in the BBC, ITV, Sky or Channel 4 news program in each file, and even television programs produced in the peninsula can be seen in his presence. His mark on the London Underground bombings victims, participated in demonstrations in Hyde Park, the Prime Minister in Downing Street, election 2010 interest in the Israeli Embassy to protest in front of the action in Gaza. Thing large and small throughout the UK, there is no lack of his presence onlookers,taylormade burner, reporters and even better attendance than are higher.
him in the end? Britain 'Nosey' to statistics, in the past year, he appeared in more than 100 cases of live coverage of news events. Them in the Eventually,ping g15, they find him on Facebook.
he called Paul Yarrow, Chinese friends gave him the name Paul, 42, lived in south London, there is no formal work - or, in his own words, his official job is to His father passed away in 2008, since then, he has been in the care of breast cancer-old mother.
Undoubtedly, Paul is not a sense of social standards of successful people, he had no money, no place, looks are not lovable. In the past forty years of life, because the ordinary, he was a lot of dirty looks. Choose to be rectification of names of people like herself.
in an interview with reporters, Paul's statements in an obvious resentment. I was handed people around. the more you put me aside and let everyone forget me, the more I want you to notice my presence, I want to change the media that we have unsightly fat and ugly people light vulgar idea, we always said, we now live in a fair and respect each other's society, but the reality is that those of us who are not beautiful is not always slim rid of that one! >In fact, the media, or trying to start spending his obesity. British comedian Russel Howard in his program he contemptuously called , or that stupid.
Gradually, people began to understand Paul's idea. Paul became the star of the street, often someone will ask him to go to catch up with their photo, was told he liked his appearance, but also the media began to reflect, advocate equality and freedom of thought within the media, is not it really did not in looks or status to judge a person.
performance angered, and feel that this child a greater number of fun elements,
优质用户很大一部分都是做外贸的,而做外贸,没有网站可不行。很多从事外贸行业的朋友都希望建一个自己的外贸在线购物网站。一般情况下都会委托给某家专业网站建设公司去做,少则万儿八千,多就不说了。或者招聘专职人员开发,这种方式对于小型外贸企业似乎也不太合适,并且人员招聘也挺麻烦。有没有一种快捷且廉价的方式快速建立外贸购物网站呢?答案是有的!从今天开始,我将陆续推出外贸网站建设系列专题教程。全程指导外贸一族如何以最低的成本快速建立自己的在线购物网站。我将以Zen Cart为基础网店程序从外贸网站建设最基本的域名空间选购、如何用Zen Cart程序安装构建网店、网站模板的选择使用、如何集成paypal在线付款、选用在线客服程序、外贸网站的SEO优化基础、网站的推广技巧等等进行一一指导介绍。那么废话少说,今天先简单介绍一下构建外贸购物网站的主角Zen Cart。
Zen Cart是一款php编写的免费开源网店程序,也是目前外贸网站用的最多的网店程序。Zen Cart功能上自然不用多说,优点也很多,最重要的是Zen Cart能很好的集成paypal在线支付功能,也是paypal推荐的一款网店程序。我对Zen Cart了解不多,但Zen Cart的大名早有耳闻。虽然以前也有开发过一些小的网店程序,但跟Zen Cart比起来,那是望尘莫及了。
看看Zen Cart是如何介绍自己的。
Zen Cart是真正的电子商务艺术,一个免费、界面友好,开放式源码的购物车软件。 该软件由一些销售商、程序员、设计师和顾问们共同开发,目的就是用户能建立风格不同的电子商务系统。
现有的一些解决方案过重于编程,而不是着眼于客户的需求。ZenCart把销售商和购物者的需求放在第一位。同时,那些程序如果没有专业人员,几乎不可能安装成功,而一个有基本计算机知识的人就会安装Zen Cart。
Zen Cart™ truly is the art of e-commercefree, user-friendly, open source shopping cart software. The ecommerce web site design program is being developed by a group of like-minded shop owners, programmers, designers, and consultants that think ecommerce web design could be and should be done differently.
Some shopping cart solutions seem to be complicated programming exercises instead of responding to users' needs, Zen Cart™ puts the merchants and shoppers requirements first. Similarly, other shopping cart software programs are nearly impossible to install and use without an IT degree, Zen Cart™ can be installed and set-up by anyone with the most basic web site building and computer skills.
Zen Cart用php语言开发,基于mysql数据库。部署Zen Cart最好的服务器环境当然是Linux了。如果单独购置一台服务器来部署这个小型外贸网站,似乎有点太过浪费了,一个是服务器购置与托管成本过高,另一个服务器维护也颇费周折。这种情况下,考虑到外贸网站面向的客户主要来源于欧美地区,所以一般会建议购置国外的虚拟主机空间。以Godaddy为例,包括域名、SSL安全证书以及一年的数百G空间的费用总共不到500元。我在另外一个博客中曾今介绍过,有兴趣朋友可以了解一下。域名主机的选购我将在日后给大家详细介绍一下。