李四光(1889~1971)中国地质学家,地质力学的创始人。字仲揆,湖北黄岗人。早年加入同盟会,参加辛亥革命。于本世纪20年代创立了地质力学,为地质理论作出了巨大贡献。他运用力学观点来研究地壳运动现象,将各种构造形迹看作地应力活动的结果,建立了“构造体系”这一地质力学的基本概念,为探索地质自然现象提供了新方法,为研究地壳运动规律开辟了新途径,开创了地质科学的新局面,在国际上享有崇高声誉。他的理论为我国石油勘探作出巨大贡献。例如他运用地质力学分析我国东部地区地质构造特点,认为新华夏构造体系的三个沉降带具有广阔的找油远景,从理论上否定了“中国贫油”论。大庆、胜利、大港等油田的相继发现证实了他的科学预见。在地震地质工作方面,他强调在研究地质构造活动性的基础上,观察地应力的变化,为实现地震预报指出了方向。此外,李四光早在20年代初,实地考察了我国太行山麓、大同盆地、庐山和黄山等地,先后发现第四纪冰川遗迹,推翻了国际上许多冰川学权威断言中国无第四纪冰川的错误结论。李四光曾留学日本、英国,曾前往法国、德国和瑞士等地考察。1949年以前曾任北京大学地质系教授,中央研究院地质研究所所长等职。1949年后,曾任中国科学院副院长,中国古生物研究所所长,中国科学院地学部委员,中国科学技术协会主席,地质部部长等职,并当选为第一、二、三届全国人民代表大会代表,中国政治协商会议第二、三、四届全国委员会副主席,中国共产党第九届中央委员会委员。As is known to us all that the pyramid is one of the famous the world. 就像我们知道的一样,所有的金字塔是世界著名的未解之迷.
As is known to us, inertia is an absolute quality possessed by all bodies. 正如我们所知, 惯性是所有物质都具有的一种绝对属性
As it is known to us all, the earth goes round the sun! 我们大家都知道地球是围绕太阳运动的!
Professor Li is extremely popular among students, as is known to all of us. 如我们大家所知,李教授极受学生们的欢迎.
5. As is known to all, it tells us the survival of the fittest. 从小都知道了进化论,知道其思想主要为, 弱肉强食,适者生存.
6. She is known to all of us as a good dancer. 我们都知道她是一位优秀的舞蹈演员.
7.As known to all of us, the concentrate is the essence. 就像大家所熟知的那样, 通常浓缩的都是精华.
8As is known to us all,it is very important to get along with others around us
9.As is known to us all, the earth turns round the sun.众所周知,地球绕着太阳转
10.As is known to us all, Hong Kong is one of the financial centers of Asia.众所周知,香港是亚洲金融中心之一。
11.As is known to us all, contributions to computer technology are no longer confined to any one country.
12As is known to all, China is a great country.众所周知,中国是一个伟大的国家。
As is known to us, diesel engines are cheaper to run than gasoline engines.正如我们所知,使用柴油机比使用汽油机便宜
As is known to us, inertia is an absolute quality possessed by all bodies.正如我们所知,惯性是所有物质都具有的一种绝对属性。
As is known to all, the world is made up of small particles called atoms.众所周知,世界是由叫做原子的小微粒组成的。
As known to us all, USA is the only superpower now.正如我们都知道的,美国是当今唯一的超级大国。
17As is known to us all, contributions to computer technology are no longer confined to any one country.
As is known to us all, the moon is the satellite of the earth
As is known to us all, the Chinese are working-hard.
20The earth, as is known to all, is round.
1.It is reported that the generation growing up with television can barely write a correct English sentence
2.However, it is reported that there seems to be some tensions on the border between China and Myanmar. What efforts does China hope Myanmar to make to maintain peace on the border?
3. It is reported that according to the initial investigation, the shooting incident on the border of China and the DPRK is an accidental one. The responsible persons will be severely punished. 据报道,朝鲜边防军对中国公民在中朝边境遭枪击事件进行的初步调查显示,这是一起偶发事故,有关责任人将受到严厉惩罚,你能否证实?
4.It is said that his child is lost.
5.They say [It is said that] he's a miser.
It is said that the last firm he worked for caved in recently.
It is said that the pound sterling will be upvalued.
It is said that the black hold can swallow anything around ,for expleam the star.
It is said that experience is valuable only as long as the future resem- bles the past.
10.It is said that the fruit tastes like a combination of banana, passion fruit, papaya and pineapple.
It is said that they have realized their wishes.
It is believed that the moon formed when the nascent Earth and Theia collided, sending materials out into space.
It is believed that the Pilgrims would not have made it through the year without the help of the natives.
It is believed that fortune-tellers can foretell your fate.
15Even so, it is believed that it will still not replace the traditional book in the near future.
It is thought that our memory of what we have eaten plays a key role in dampening appetite.
“It is thought that this methane eventually contributed to climate change, ” he adds.
It is thought that the smaller galaxy has actually passed through the larger one.
It is thought that millions of years ago this liquid mass pushed upward through cracks in the earth’s crust.
20It is thought that man's ability to learn languages makes him different from the animals.